Blockchain use cases in the video sharing industry

In our previous two articles, we gave you a deep insight into the problems of traditional video sharing platforms and what can blockchain do to make it better. In today’s post, we’d like to introduce concrete projects, which aim to solve the above pain points and disrupt traditional solutions. In this post, we reveal the core strengths of the project we are about to offer you with exclusivity in the coming days compared to its competitors.

First, look at this table, which tells you more than any other words. We consciusly make the project we are about to offer invisible.

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The comparison table shows well why we think this project is far ahead of its competitors and has the biggest potential in the long-term to disrupt the traditional video sharing industry. Regarding every single indicator, the team has a unique or a much more comprehensive approach/solution than the competitors’. Let us translate a few important points of this table for you.

Token price fixed to USD

Unlike the other blockchain solutions in the industry, during the token sale, this project’s token price is pegged to USD. What does it mean? It means that your contribution has always the same value independently on the market movements.

Token use and cash out

The team has an innovative, unique and quite reasonable approach to the token usage. Why? Here it is. We all know that cryptos are risky, volatile and it’s not good. Imagine the situation where you earn “X” tokens worth 100 USD on Monday by creating videos and then on Friday you want to cash out in order to take your girlfriend for a date, but your accumulated tokens now worth only 20 USD.

On competitors’ platforms (Verasity, Viuly and so on), you have to use tokens to monetize, to view videos or to pay for services etc. and as a result, you are exposed to the volatile nature of cryptos. So what about a solution that separates payment on the platform from the token value? That is what our pick delivers. Instead of inflationary tokens, on this platform, users earn so-called Points by creating contents, watching ads or sharing videos etc and these Points can be very easily exchanged for fiat, for real dollars without the risk of volatile cryptocurrency prices. This kind of cash out option is unique, no other existing solution offers that.

Of course, comes the question: “What’s the role of token then?” Users can have two types of account (Basic and Pro) and both can be used for every activity on the platform, except one: in order to cash out, they need to have a ProAccount, which can be purchased with the token. So demand for the token grows continuously for the simple reason that everyone who wants to make money needs a ProAccount. If the demand grows, so will the value of the token, which is very good as an ICO investor. Moreover, ProAccounts have a limited number (100 million ever), this fact increases more its value and so the token’s.

Micro-influencer monetization

First, look at the facts and numbers. The credibility and authenticity of big influencers (30.000+ follower) is called into question by their audience after a certain number of users has been attained. Users are much more likely to trust those individuals with whom they can have a direct relationship, instead of a distant celebrity, making micro-influencers with smaller follower bases increasingly important in the social media marketing industry. Micro-influencers’ reach is 60% higher than mega or macro-influencers, and 6.7x more effective when reaching users, making them altogether more cost-effective. Micro-influencers initiate 22,2x more conversations than the average user on social media pages. Micro-influencers have become the new, personalized marketing channel, through which advertisers can effectively and credibly reach their target audience.

However, today micro-influencers cannot monetise their content due to their small follower base. Traditional platforms are not rewarding them. With the project’s platform we offer anyone can monetise - it rewards content creators and content distributors for every single view and click that a video on their platform receives. This transparent and simple payout system fairly compensates micro-influencers with smaller follower bases.


It is also unique compared to other solutions that the project’s platform highly promotes virality. Views of shared content that happen on any platform (also external platform) are rewarded, encouraging mass distribution. Videos can be shared either on the platform, or through an embedded link on a third-party platform - AND still, you'll get revenue for every single view!

These are just a few example of its features. Stay tuned! In the next section, we'll reveal the project and its additional advantages with our exclusive deal details!


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