SpringRole Help Companies To Hire Best Candidates


Companies are always in need of best skilled individuals who can bring much value to the company to contribute their own quote in achieving the company’s mission and vision. The traditional way of hiring new employees into a company is by collecting their resume and going through them one after the other to find someone who his educational background and work experience matches the current openings, but there is a flaw with this system, there is no way to actually verify the educational background of the person or his work experience, A research shows that majority of resumes data been submitted by the employees is either fake or been falsified in the favor of the employee, A practical example ; a friend once told me how he used his younger cousin to act as his former boss because he had a bad working experience with his former boss and no way his former could have recommended or attest for him for another job but he used his younger cousin and scale through. This is just a minor case of how flawed the current system is at the moment, but all that is going to change with the introduction of springRole platform. So how is that's possible?

Spring removes profile falsification
SpringRole utilizes blockchain technology to build a decentralized professional social verification and attestation network. Which will allow people to get attestation about their educational qualification, work experience etc. on their professional profile which is publicly available for any to view making it a one stop platform to find guarantee skilled people. (Quote from my first article)

This platform makes it easy for any employee or company to request resume through springRole knowing fully well that the educational background of the person or his work experience is been attested from the right people or source been stated on the them.

What to learn more about Spring Role? Visit their official channel below

Website: https://springrole.com/
Whitepaper: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ws5qx6h9whhesib/AAC3zGiElBO1p2zLGxf_3SL3a?dl=0
Telegram: https://t.me/springrole
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/springrole?_rdc=1&_rdr
Twitter: https://twitter.com/springroleinc
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SpringRole/
Medium: https://blog.springrole.com/?_ga=2.266362054.99780455.1532232103-123020248.1531872980
Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3602729.0
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7jYeZWJHhsV_2266gVMsZw
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/springrole/

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