Everyday Instant Transfer and Zero Fee Crypto Currency(Nexty Platform Intro)

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Crypto currency no doubt has come to stay and every day we witness new people joining the crypto currency space. For new people who just joined the space, they are quick to recognize the most popular crypto currency bitcoin and they tend to make their first investment by buying bitcoin.

Earlier before they join crypto space they were told crypto currency will take away power from the financial institutions by removing the middle man involved in any transaction which will makes transaction fees between parties to be lower or zero fees and it will be faster as well.
But the moment they enter the space and starts making transactions, they find out that they are been charged for making transfer to other parties, in most cases the fees been charged is even higher than what they pay using their traditional financial institution and also the transaction even takes time to get to the other parties.
This alone discourages people from using and adopting crypto currency for their everyday payment.

But how about having a crypto currency that will allow people to make transactions to one another at their own convenience and from anywhere in the world and they will have zero transfer fees and the transfer will be instant?

Well search No more, Nexty platform is here to bridge the gap to bring crypto currency to the mass usage.
Let's find out more about Nexty and how they intend to achieve this great fate and also compare them with the existing crypto currency. Let's get started.

What is Nexty

Nexty is a Fintech ecosystem which supports and helps e-commerce and technology startups of all sizes to raise funds from community. Nexty like other blockchain platform has its own cryptocurrency called NTY which has unique features such as Instant Transfer, Zero Transfer Fees and Dual Crypto Currency.

What is Nexty Dual Crypto Currency?

The dual crypto currency been introduce by nexty will help make the transfer to be instant and zero fee. This system involves two cryptocurrency operating in parallel. The first one which is called NTY is the main cryptocurrency used for daily transaction. The second currency is called NTF which is use to confirm transactions.

NTF which is transaction confirmation system is been built on a peer - to - peer network with a specific set of criteria to meet the operational requirements. With this system the NTF holders will be rewarded with a small amount of cryptocurrency any time they stake their NTF and help in confirming the transactions of the NTY, This will overall make the transaction fees of the main currency to be zero fee and instant as well it will reward the NTF holder who contribute to the transaction confirmation system which will benefit everyone in the ecosystem.

Feature Of Nexty Platform

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Nexty platform has unique features that set it apart from other crypto currency the unique features are as follows:

  • Zero Transfer Fee: All transaction within the Nexty platform is zero fees, Yess!!! I mean zero fees unlike other cryptocurrency that charges transaction fees for making transaction from one wallet to another.

  • Instant Transfer: The transfer within the Nexty platform is instant No wait time for confirmation as experienced with other crypto currency. Once you make transaction, the other party will receive it instantly.

  • Price stability System: The Nexty platform have implemented a price stabilization system which will make the price stable in the long run.

Nexty Compare Table


Nexty Official Contact

Website: https://nexty.io/

Whitepaper: https://nexty.io/nexty-whitepaper.pdf

Telegram: https://t.me/nexty_io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nextyio

Facebook: https://facebook.com/nextycoin

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrwJTPycPiDm5-m__7tvfsw

Medium: https://medium.com/@nextyio

Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1801013

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