How to Find the ICOs You Are Looking For

Earlier today, a friend forwarded me an email from “Money Map Press” that illustrated the shocking gains that people were getting from their ownership of crypto currencies, buying during ICOs. This particular email unveiled gains of nearly 85,000%, over 200,000%, and an almost unimaginable 580,000% from investments in STRAT, MIOTA, and NXT, respectively. In other words, a mere $250 in the latter would have been worth almost $1.5 million!

That’s simply insane!

With that said, it’s these gains that explain why nearly $3.7 billion has been invested into ICOs this year. What’s even more remarkable is that up until this point, just about all past ICOs are performing well. Unfortunately, that's not going to continue. The ICO market is filling up with more and more junk, and even worse, buyers don't seem to realize what makes for a good purchase.

First and foremost, as with any form of investing, valuation is what matters. These ICOs of WAX token and Unikoin Gold are never going to yield returns in the multi-1,000 percentile. That's because the valuation is too high to start with, even with great business models. To generate these kind of returns, you are betting that WAX, Unikoin, and others alike will become the next Google, and that doesn't happen overnight.

The secret with Ethereum, Neo, and of course, NXT is that all listed with little hype but had legitimate business models and usages behind the currency. The same concept applies to HADE Token at

HADE Token is tied to an actual business, at where it expects more than 300 million tokens to be transacted on its platforms each year by 2020. And while it is not the easiest business model to understand, it is an absolute breakthrough nonetheless. But don't take my word for it... you can actually head over to, register, and see its technology in action. Create a 30-40 page research report in real time with the click of a button. Or, look at company earning predictions from machine learning that are 50% more accurate than Wall St.

This is a company that has a great shot to completely disrupt a core $51 billion investment research industry, and unlike other companies to have sold dreams of offering technology and/or creating tokenized investment funds, this is the company with the greatest shot to actually do so because of its network, thereby adding another market that could one day grow to $100 billion or more.

Over the next week, staff will be publishing reports, videos, and content alike to illustrate how HADE Token will work within the platform, and to put its technology on display. Check out and stay tuned to our Steemit blog as we present one breakthrough after another, and for another two-days only, HADE Token is offering a 100% bonus.

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