Is It Wise To Invest In ICO'S.

What are ICO'S?
ICO refers to initial coin offering, it is a start up procedure where companies raise funds by selling their tokens to interested investors and the community, which are to be introduced into the real time markets at the given dates or at the end of the initial coin offering.
What To Do?
Conduct Research On The Companies:
2)Development Team
5)White Paper.
How Do You Benefit?
From my experience I have seen that investing on initial coin offerings is a nice way to *2 0r *3 your money, since most of the ICO tokens get into the market at a high price, at this stage the following things may happen.
Say you participated in companies x ICO , invested $1000 and was rewarded with 10,000 tokens (tkns) then on the day of listing into markets it enters the market with $2 , then you have $20,000, what is likely to follow is people will dump the respective coin to take the profits. so always be alert.
If the coin gets in at a very low price and you feel that the organisation has potential, just hold your coins for the long term. Remember in Crypto Currencies Patience Is Of The Essence.
Best Example To Give Is:
If you would love to know of upcoming ICO click on
All The Best In Your Investments.
I hope it was short and easy to understand.

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