We do not fight the market and you shouldn’t too

When I lost nearly 75 percent of my funds during February’s “correction”, my friend shared his Golden rule with me – a bit too late, though. “Trend is your friend” – he said, “Don’t fight it. If you fight the trend, you will lose. Yes, there is a possibility of winning big time, but the chance is so small that smart people become friends with the trend. And you should be too”.

Why am I telling you this story? As you might have noticed, we are running an ICO. In my opinion, we are doing great – soft cap was crushed in less than 36 hours, our communities are growing and contributions are still arriving every day.

Nonetheless, some people contact us on Telegram and share their feeling that we are not doing enough marketing. Well, that happens because we actually stopped all campaigns. And there is a reason behind our decision.

There are two very good analogies in the market – bears and bulls. Bulls are muscular, it is hard for them to start running, but when they do, they bring green on their backs: the market is growing, market caps reach new heights, and ICOs reach hard caps in days. And then there are bears. They are sitting still and tears everybody apart – that’s why they say: “the market is bleeding”.

If you want to survive bears. You must sit tight and wait. That is THE way.

Bears will crush you if you will dare to challenge them. The mood of the market is pessimistic. Everybody is very cautious and distrustful. People are looking for opportunities to cash out and not to dive in. Everybody is waiting for the sign of a recovering market. And so do we.

If we had decided to do some marketing campaigns, they would most likely end up in total failure and wasted funds. We feel responsible for the confidence that our contributors vested in us so we have canceled almost all ads and communication activities. To use our presale funds effectively, we do only Live shows on YouTube and communicate with our community personally in our social media.

We are waiting for the signs of market recovery. The moment that we feel the market starting to bull-up, so will our marketing, actively and healthy.

Remember: “trend is your friend”.

P.S. Some people questioned us about having a long ICO. Finishing our ICO in the end of May was a pondered decision, anticipating the possibility of Bears taking over the market. And now we can clearly say that was a good decision.

By Marius P. From Birdchain Team

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