ICO's Waste of money?


For a quick note and discussion I wanted to get your thoughts on ICO's (Initial Coin Offerings)

We are all seeing the US governments 'crackdown' on their regulations, but I have some other thoughts on why I wouldn't invest at this stage.

Just speaking from a 'few' that I have watched at the launch, to me it all seems a lot about hype and over prediction of their coin. What happens when they hit the market? Why when they hit exchanges and more often than not do we see a down trend?

I think the perfect time to buy if you are looking for a long term investment is just after the initial hype is over and once it has hit the exchanges. When these coins hit the exchanges/markets people usually try and sell on the hype around the ICO and this creates an influx of sell orders, also often is the case with some other coins they still require a large amount of R&D to get their project to an operational level. SO I think if you believe in the coin and to maximise you profit buy on the initial dip when it hits the market.

Let me know what you guys think, and of course that this is just a 'general' look at the overall picture and ICO's should be looked at individually. But it is something to keep in mind.


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