
You decided to take the trail leading to the left. You had no real reason for picking it other than you needed to go one way or another way. Unlike the first part of the trail you were following this one was weaving all over the place for no reason.

You at first thought maybe whatever created this trail was trying to avoid large trees or something. It would however take such a dramatic turn one way or another that theory vanished quite quickly. The trees here also seemed to be the same kind of trees that were in the first part of the trail as well. They also appeared to be the same age but you are no expert when it comes to trees. You had no idea what kind they were if there ever had such kinds of trees back on earth.

After a while of further walking you start to realize it is getting brighter in the forest. The canape overhead appears to be getting less dense. You hope this is a sign that you are heading in the right direction.

After some further walking you decide to take another break. You just sit down in the middle of the trail. This spot seemed even more overgrown than where you left it in the woods at. As if whatever was here before rarely if ever used this path. You felt however there was no point in turning back at this point a least for a little time longer.

You did however check your wristwatch and realized it was starting to get a bit late into the afternoon. If this keeps up for much longer you might have to consider trying to find a place to camp for the evening. So far however there appeared to be no such places along the trail.

At one point your leg starts to cramp up a bit and you decided after trying to stretch it out that the best course of action is just walking further along. That seems to have done the trick as twenty minutes later you were fine.

Even further along the trail, you swear you can see the ocean again. It did not take long to confirm this as that is in fact where this path ended up leading you back.

Once you were back out on the beach you realize you can see another trail not that far off in the distance. It was the very one you took in the first place. It was time to pick back up where you left off exploring south or repeat going back down the trail you just did.


Content is written by @Enjar of @Enjargames. AI artwork was created using Playgroundai.

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