You decided to go closer to the ball of light to inspect it. As you do you suddenly felt an extremely violent shocking sensation through every bone in your body. The room disappears and you black out. Days later you wake up in an entirely different room.

You did not wake up by your own choice. There had been for quite a few hours now alerts coming in from your wristwatch. As so happened you are now on a different planet. This planet is not even a month away from Earth.

By chance one of the probes surrounding the planet reported your signal back to your corporation MBTX. They sent the nearest ship they had that was just days away. They have been trying to contact you.

Alert: incoming message from the ship Titan Class XXI

You select the answer on your wristwatch and are greeted by a friendly face on the display. It was someone you had run into a couple of times while working at MBTX. You would not say you were close to being friends. It was however nice after all this time to have any interaction with another human.

He said they heard the news that your ship was damaged. At some point, they believed that the ship was beyond recoverable and possibly even destroyed. You went on to share that the ship was lost forever.

Titan Class XXI had been exploring this region looking for a new place to set up a mining operation with one of the newest ships they had just made. That is when they picked up a strange cold spike and the computer alerted them that possible Golden Paradox 384 was in the area.

That is when they noticed your corporate employee number was listed as being on the planet in question. As such they went in for further investigation.

As far as the device that took you to this planet in the first place. You realized while waiting for the ship to pick up that it had been destroyed in the process. There would be no quick path between this planet and I-IIK-9844.

After waiting for a couple more days you were picked up by the Titan Class XXI. They then headed home to get your sample back to Earth. This process took around a month.

While on board they did scan it with what they could. They did confirm like you had that it was Golden Paradox 384. It was also quite a few times purer than what they had gotten their hands on in the first place.



Content is written by @Enjar of @Enjargames.

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