You decided to investigate what is causing the water bubbles that started to appear after you spent some time gazing into the ocean. You put on your space suit and while it was a bit hard started to swim out to the location.

Perhaps you thought the hardest part was going to be trying to dive down. With the ocean waters having such a high amount of salt water you and the space suit more or less just glided along the water till you reached the part that had bubbles coming up from deep down below.

As soon as you attempted to dive into the water however it seemed like the suit was reacting to what you were trying to do. It became almost effortless to dive down. You went further down spiraling like a corkscrew till you hit the rocky and sandy bottom of the ocean.

While it was quite dark down there. The space suit came equipped with lights. It was amazing just how clear the bottom of the ocean waters was. You could see quite into the distance.

You then took a few steps forward where you noticed lots of bubbles escaping from the ground. You pointed a tiny scanner on your spacesuit at it. It indicated that it had slightly elevated levels of heat and methane gas.

It was some kind of naturally occurring heat vent from the moon's crust. It turns out this was just a wild goose chase. What a strange waste of a single unit of oxygen. You decided to head back up and swim back to the shoreline.

After getting back you continued on your adventure as if nothing happened. Leaving right off from where you left in the first place.


Content is written by @Enjar of @Enjargames.

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