The Scars Of The Past.

All around the world the truth of the past is revealed by the scars of a time yet to be revealed or truly discussed. Nearly every single country around the world shows an incredible amount of work being done to all the major waterways and everything else in-between. many shorelines , with ports , harbors and inlets show at times they were some how created , as well as many lakes , rivers and streams.

Here I present some areas that can seen within and around Iceland, that show a clear indication were worked by man. Areas that are fully surrounded by water , show scarring that when viewed up close is clearly shown as work done , not nature. The many lakes that can be found within Iceland and many others areas I have been covering including most of North America , can be proven as a creation from the workings around and within , that either show scarring like in other areas or , many shapes and forms within lakes , rivers or near streams.

If many areas were stated as a creation , the amount of time needed for such projects would push civilized mankind further back in time than most could ever want to admit to . The land shows so much work being done towards waterways around the world , nothing seems untouched.

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It seems as nothing was untouched in the past and the work done is beyond imagination that some would ever want to admit.

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