I Appreciate You!

I Appreciate You!

You, whether you know it or not, have been a part of my journey battling Cancer this past year. Many of you have been a part of lots of my journeys in life. From life to business ideas, to business ventures, to venture school accelerator program, to past boyfriends and getting married to Ben, to overcoming other things in my life, to moving to Colorado, and the beat goes on...

No matter what part you played, I appreciate you.

There are no small parts of acting or life I have found. Everyone plays a part in your life, even the ones who have left you, or you have left them, or the ones you wanted to scream at or the ones you wanted to hug. The good the bad and the ugly have all played a part.

Some taught us valuable lessons of what NOT to do. Others taught us lessons about ourselves.A few reached to our core and touched our lives forever.

Every person you are connected to plays a part in your life.

Take time to really appreciate them. Don't take your life or the involvement of others in your life for granted. My challenge to you this December is to let others know you appreciate them and if you can, let them know why and how much.

I made this little graphic for you and you all may save it and send it or share from here. I purposely left off any of my info as this is not about credit, or getting more sales on my site or page. (Tag me if you want. Love to see how far this goes)

This is about love through appreciation. <3

Take time to "appreciate" those in your life. They have made you who you are today!


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