Photo Fun Contest - Week 9 – “I am guilty of…..finding danger”

In recent years I have had a fair few brushes with danger and I guess the more you go and explore or go and watch events you kind of expect things happen. So these are some of those moments that I have managed to capture.

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Plane Crash - By Steve J Huggett.jpg

2017 watching an airshow in Abingdon Oxfordshire and this plane suffered a complete engine failure, all credit to the pilot he did a wheels-up landing perfectly on the grass except the plane turned toward us before coming to a stop! The pilot was knocked out, but ok and flew again later that year. The planes call sign was JINX!

Pembrey Tree 2  - By Steve J Huggett.JPG

Pembrey Tree - By Steve J Huggett.JPG

Mountain biking in Pembrey woods one January day with a good friend and his 10 years old son. Standing next to this tree a strong gust of wind, later reported being of hurricane strength snapped the tree in half. I had to look up to see which way it was falling before diving out the way! We were all fine, never been back there on a bike on a windy day lol

Walking Across a Blowhole - By Steve J Huggett.jpg

Walking out across a blowhole and didn't realize until I walked back another way, I was a little pale and learn't a lesson that day.

Single Seater Crash Pembrey - By Steve J Huggett.jpg

I love my motorsport and have seen quite a number of crashes, but this one happened as soon as I got to the track! The driver was ok!

Chased By Horses - By Steve J Huggett.jpg

When horses are running towards you when do you stop taking pictures and run lol?

So that's my guilty confession, except for one more. Last Saturday I wanted to go and explore "White Horse Cave" in the Neath Valley north of Swansea. I happened to take the wrong route which took us directly to the epicenter of the 4.5 magnitude earthquake. I was glad we were still in the car and hadn't made it to the cave when it struck.

So who's wants to come with me on my next adventure :P

Thank you

I appreciate you taking time to read this post and viewing my photos. I hope you enjoyed them. Please let me know what you think in the comments below.

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