Photo Fun Contest - Week 9 – “I am guilty of...” hoarding bike parts.


@claudiaz always has interesting themes for her weekly Photo Fun Contests, and “I am guilty of…"” is the latest one. Since my entry has to be a confession of sorts, I will share a shot that I took recently while cleaning out my workshop in preparation for a move. Generally, I would say that I am neat and organized. I tend to like clean modern décor, and am stressed out by rooms that feel cluttered. You wouldn’t know that from looking at all of the spare parts bins in my workshop though. Yes, the bins are somewhat organized (like the box of cranksets shown here), but the volume of bike components/wheels/frames is somewhat ridiculous (not to mention the number of complete bikes).

In my defense, I did get rid of a lot of parts (and a few bikes) during my big clean-up. I sold some on Ebay, but much of my “hoard” got donated to the Village Wrench, a great local organization that is using bicycles to really make a difference in a community that could use a little boost. I firmly believe that bicycles can change lives, so it feels good to get some of this stuff out of the dark recesses of my workshop and back on the road where it belongs.

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