A Path towards sovereignty of heart, mind, body, and soul.

Are you ready for a test? What does the word, “occult” mean to you, what is your first thought?


If you thought, “evil,” then you have been programmed to think that thought based upon your previous religious convictions and/or other school-based, and/or societal programming.

The word, “Occult,” in Latin or “Occulo” means to hide, cover, and/or conceal.

The King has been in a continuous search for, “the secret.” The king has purchased thousands of dollars worth of “Self-Help Books,” and guru programs all proclaiming that they are the ones who hold valuable lessons for self-improvement.

To date, all of these gurus have failed the King. Why? It may be their, “holy grail” but it has failed to become the “holy grail,” of the King.

Why? Because all learning and knowledge must come from an inner-centered approach. The so-called secrets to life are their secrets and are non-transferable to others. Why? Because this hidden knowledge has been generated through their own self-discovery. Their self-discovery is only unique to them, not you or the King.

The King’s quest for today is to find the “occult,” within. Once we have discovered our truth within, we become capable of expressing those inner thoughts outwardly as a physical manifestation.

However, if and when we are looking toward another person’s human experience for guidance, we have given up our heart, mind, body, and soul sovereignty.

All of this boils down to one logical conclusion. On a scale of 1-10 how do you evaluate your self-esteem?

One, being you have none and are consistently looking toward another person, place, thing, government, individual, etc., to answer your questions regarding your reality.

Ten means you are well on your way toward self-actualization and have sovereignty over your heart, mind, body, and soul. You are fully capable of searching within to govern your outward actions. You are in congruency with your thoughts which materialize with your outward physicality. In other words, your thoughts have become things.

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