Tips that will help you to build your marriage

THEME: MARITAL WISDOM (Continuation) – FIRST SERVICE TOPIC: TEN COMMANDMENTS BEFORE MARRIAGE (HOW TO BE LOCATED FOR MARRIAGE).TEXT: 2 Cor. 6:14-20; Psalm 27: 14; 1 Tim. 3:3- 4; Eph. 5:33INTRODUCTIONThis is for the singles; take the following instructions very seriously. The Ten Commandments are as follows:(1) You shall not marry an unbeliever;If you do, Satan will be your father-in-law (2 Cor. 6: 14)(2) You shall wait on the Lord;Do not rush into marriage (Psalms 27:1 4)(3) You shall not engage yourself into pre-marital sex (2 Cor. 6:1 4-20)(4) Remember to seek God’s face before you fall in love with anybody(Genesis 2:13-1 4)(5) You shall not go into marriage when you are not physically, spiritually,financially and emotionally matured for it (1 Tim. 3:3- 4).(6) You shall not neglect the counsel of elderly ones, your pastor, your parents concerning marriage.(7) You shall not marry a lady you cannot control (Eph. 5:33)(8) You shall not marry someone you don’t love wholeheartedly (Genesis29:17-18)(9) You shall not marry someone you are not compatible with(1o) You shall settle your financial challenges before marriage.HOW TO BE LOCATED FOR MARRIAGE(1) Spiritual Positioning If you are not spiritually positioned, you will make plenty mistakes.Spiritual Positioning talks about the state of your spiritual life behind closed doors. Your spiritual life determines how far God can work with you(Prov. 20:27). And remember THE POINT OF CALL IS THE HUMAN SPIRIT. If your spiritual life is death, God cannot reach you. You won’t be able to discern... YOUR SPIRIT PICKS FASTER THAN YOUR MIND;develop it. When your spirit is under developed, it will be difficult for god to reach out to you. POSITIONING IS EVERYTHING. When a child is wrongly positioned the womb of the mother will have to be opened to bring
Responsibility is accepting that your actions and choices have more impacton your life than anything else. It is impossible to drive a marriage change with a pessimistic mindset. If you want your marriage to work, take responsibility to make it work. When positive people provoke actions, they get positive outcomes likewise negative people get negative outcomes. Great changes in marriage are not automatic. They take place little by little.Appreciation makes you find yourself in the place of responsibility to make the marriage work. When you create room for change, people change.Wives, stop neglecting little improvements you see in your husband.Appreciate first. (5) Respect. Where there is respect, you think before you talk, pray before you act and think before you approach. Where there is respect, quarrels willnever escalate. There are certain things you don’t say where there is respect.Why say things you can’t retrieve? Never get to a point where you loserespect for each other. True love manifests in respect. 2 Samuel 6:16, 20-23.(6) Trust. 1 Corinthians 13:7. When trust goes out of marriage, the marriage becomes cripple. When there is no trust, there is almost no marriage.Cover-ups are the reason for distrust in marriage. Genesis 2:25. Psalms104:1. Transparency brings trust. Trust must be protected in marriage.When it is lost, it is difficult to regain. (7) Communication. Genesis 11:6. The most important thing in marriage,after God, is communication. The presence of communication is thepresence of understanding. When marriage lacks communication, it isestablished in misunderstanding. 1 Corinthians 6:10. Communication bindsmarriage. Communication doesn’t necessarily mean talking. It is keepingcompany. Communication starts in courtship. In communication, 7% iswhat you say, 38% is how you say it and 55% is your body language. (8) Sex. Men think about sex every day. Women think about sex sometimes.When sex is unfulfilling in a marriage, we call it mating. When it is fulfilling, it is called lovemaking. THERE ARE FOUR STEPS IN SEX:(1) Complements. Complements have to do with a good bedroom, niceatmosphere, good music etc.

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