An Independent Nigeria

It's October 1st 1990, there's jubilation all over the streets of Lagos and all the other states of the now "Independent" Nigeria. Free at last, we're finally given the opportunity and right to rule ourselves.


There's so much Joy and hope in the eyes and hearts of everybody, both the elite and common man have the same joy. Was it for the same reasons? Did we celebrate too soon, are we truly ready to be independent?

Fast forward 58years into the future, Do you have your answer? Does the country you see before you have any semblance of the one you danced on the streets for?

It's so sad! If the heroes of Nigerian Independence were given an opportunity to see the country they lived, fought, and even died for what would be their reaction? Would they pat us on the back and say "Good Job" or would they cry at what we've become.

There's a popular saying that goes thus "If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride"... The Nigerian state is in a perpetual wishing state, with no end in sight. Everyone is wishing and no one is doing!

Newtons third law of motion states that "For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction" but looking at Nigeria today, I think we're an exception because we've been pushed so hard and are still being pushed but I am yet to see any reaction to that action.

We supposedly clocked 58years as a nation, but I didn't feel joy or see it in others, nor was there any sense of hope for a better future. People just wished for the day to be over, so they won't be reminded or have to think of the woes of our Nation.

Nigeria has numerous problems, from poor infrastructure, to lack of social amenities, to decay in the educational structure, to terrible leadership, we have been divided among religious and ethnic lines but the worst problem of Nigeria is Nigerians and our resilient nature.

We have been bruised, battered, and abused but because we are resilient we do NOTHING. we're killed and our properties destroyed but the most we do is talk. I'm in that category too, I've ranted and raved but haven't really acted.


The simple solution to all the woes of Nigeria, is for Nigerians to say Enough and take action. Action against oppression, not just from this government but subsequent governments that would want to take us for a ride.

It is from Action and not words that we can truly see the change that we all desire, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying burn bridges and kill your fellow Nigerians, but choose to stand for truth and justice and equality for all and not for some.

This I believe is the only way out of our current regressive course and into a future that all Nigerians can be proud of. Take a stand today, for a truly independent Nigeria


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