Dolores Cannon Presents: Moving into the New Earth.

Just spent the last few hours listening to Dolores Cannon, this video is pretty much 2 hours long but if you have some time after some of the questions that have come up lately as people have 'awakenings' 'awareness's' ET'S, Time Travel, dimensions, power to heal ourselves, the need to forgive if we are to ascend, need to be functioning at a higher frequency, the longest plane ever built, 40K view…

I found this video very interesting, I found it helpful in my readiness to seek further how it all of this applies to me by extension, us personally in the scheme of things, WWG1WGA … leading to a greater understanding about what 'this' is really about…. there are those who have come back here (including those from other friendly planets) to help us save the earth when they heard the call that earth is in trouble, will you come help us save her' the implications are scary;

This video has convinced me 'The More You Know' will prove personally invaluable as we transition with the New Earth we will need to be functioning at a higher frequency to not being one of those left behind, in the swamp.

(Earth is splitting) @1:20 she starts talking about this, Earth is about to shift into a totally new dimension, that so much has been damaged by those attempting to destroy it that it is beyond saving & other than split earth and create a new earth that only those functioning at a higher frequency will be able to move into while others who are too embedded into the lower frequency thoughts will suffer physical and emotional distress.

Anyway it's worth the watch, autists will understand. Personally I'm spending less time researching the same kind of digging (historical) I want to know what it is I need to do to be functioning at a higher frequency. Meditation will be important and I'm sure happy I understand the power of forgiveness, in fact the necessity of forgiving to my ascension. That I learned long ago, 'if I want to be forgiven, I damn well better be willing to forgive' understanding 'Who among us has not sinned"? my shorter version "Who the hell do I think I am"

Enjoy…. very enlightening to those seeking…

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