Week Five of Flower Garden Update.

Hello all,

I wanted to share some photos with you in regards to my first indoor hydro grow. I hope the quality is up to par.

I hope these sights bring as much joy to your heart as it does mine. I think I have found a calling. I want this to eventually be my main source of income so I can donate as much time as possible to what I enjoy doing the most, growing.

I learned a lot in this grow. For instance the value of a 55 gallon drum for sure. It's crazy how much water these things intake. I'm at about 30 gallons a week of water alone.

I as well learned the value of monitoring the ppms in the drum. The plants intake of water was so high that it was common for the ppms to Spike to the point I had to move and replace the water at times to level out the intensity.

I did burn my plants a little. I caught it and fixed it in time to where only the edges burned. Which honestly has been my only hardehip so far for my first grow.

The pH level, as well, had to be monitored. While I was on a drip system (during flower only), I dripped through a two inch layer of hydroton and into the rest of a two gallon smart pot filled of a 70/30 coco perlite mix.

I do not suggest smart pots used for a drip system until at least the second week of flower (after the stretch). Hand water till then or the roots will grow out of the pots and split it at the seems. It is a pain in the ass so make sure to use bigger than 2 gallon pots no matter what. Maybe fives would make watering and feeding less difficult.

Well I hope this helps some. Any comments are highly appreciated. And thanks in advance for any upvotes. Enjoy the night. Special thanks to #modernmom420 for all your help while I was away at work.

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