
Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then becomes heavy enough to fall under gravity. Hydro raindrop have almost similar patterns as the conventional raindrops. The raindrops forms a condensed security layer around applications in which immutable paper trail is always left behind whenever unauthorized individual tries getting access. Hydro Raindrop stand as a security gravity that exert it force on any unauthorized entity which tries to overcome it. Imagine an astronaut who tries to exert his weight in space, definitely it almost impossible to do that because he is far away from the earth’s gravitational field strength. In Raindrop, you are not only far away from having access to unauthorized platforms but you ll also leave noticeable traces for every one to see.

The term “raindrop” shouldn't be confuse with the ease at which we experience rainfalls but rather, it should be compared to how difficult it is to predict the actual size, mass volume, density and other properties of a single droplet of a rainfall. Raindrop is the security layer that leverages on the public and decentralized blockchain in financial services to enable private financial firms to seamlessly leverage into the public blockchain. Anybody that seamlessly predicts the properties of every droplets of packets of rain must be an alien, its literally impossible and humanly unimaginable to do.

The Hydro raindrop can be used in two different ways. The Client side and the Server side. In the client side raindrop is the two factor authentication that is about to be release soon. it is used for the authentication of individual account. The server side raindrop is a two factor authentication for large database, systems and APIs. Client-side Raindrop, provides an intuitive user experience for the end-user. With System-side Raindrop, provides a largely automated, high-security process that leaves an immutable paper trail whenever unauthorized party tries to access a backend system. Raindrop authentication for websites would potentially displace passwords in the future.

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Hydro allows private systems to interact with public blockchain

Most private financial systems relied on third parties single network system to authenticate their client for any financial transactions. These kind of systems have limitations when compare to the public blockchain. Software-based 2FA OTP solutions like Google’s Authenticator reside on devices, and work much like their desktop counterparts. As mobile platforms get actively exploited, such OTP methods are susceptible to seed leakage. In this approach, the user is tied to a device. This impacts user’s access while on the move, on losing the device, or when attempting access from multiple devices.

Most 2FA OTP systems are susceptible to real-time replay and social engineering attacks. OTPs are also indirectly susceptible to man in the middle (MITM) and man in the browser (MITB) attacks. Real-time replay attack is a form of an MITM attack. In this attack, malware sitting on the browser captures user credentials. The malware forwards these details to the attackers, and simultaneously blocks the user request. The user receives an error message which reports a failure. The attacker can perform an immediate replay with the same credentials. These tokens are usually valid for 60 seconds.

This fundamental design flaw can be avoided using a strong challenge-response mechanism. Remote attacks usually originate overseas, and involve heists on targets of opportunity. On the other hand, local attacks involve a fair bit of social engineering, cloning of cell phone to receive OTPs

So rather than gloat at the fate of a shoemaker’s kids going painfully unshod, I think we can all learn that our own security strategies need to evolve to another level to cope with this kind of exploit. And raindrop as a major component on the Hydro blockchain, is responsible for depositing the most efficient security layer on Web and mobile applications. It provides suitable conditions for many types of ecosystems, as well as hydro tokens used for conservation of the hydro blockchain.

There are plenty of other 2FA vendors out there, and even if they aren’t making an offer as generous and secure as Hydro raindrop’s, the likes of Google Authentication are out there waiting for your business.

Ibrahym Sunadari

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