Hutchison Tesla effect on metal samples 911

Watch "Hutchison effect: metal magnetism mutation." on YouTube

Go to 1:25 in this video he describes a 2 inch section of a steel bar that was turned into dust of an (Unknown) sbstance!!!!??? Dustification 911... Read Judy Wood's book where did the towers go. He also turned non-magnetic stainless steel magnetic. This is the field effect they can make things levitate or disassociate metal into dust!

This is a piece of wood embedded in a block of aluminum. The molecules of the aluminum opened up and encased the wood. He has pictures of a piece of wood that was fully embedded inside the aluminum. They cut the block of aluminum open and you could see wood inside of it. This is insane technology!!!!

Watch "Hutchison Effect 2017 June 28 UPDATES" on YouTube

These are some of the most interesting samples I've seen. You have pieces of wood stuck into metal.

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