For husbands, glorify your wife well and correctly, love love your wife

For husbands, glorify your wife well and correctly, love love your wife with love that comes from God, improve your relationship with him, fulfill his needs according to your ability, so that God launches you in search of sustenance.

Remember, your wife completes you, your wife whom Allah sends so you always get blessings and rewards, so make sure you look after her lovingly.

The prayer that is always hoped for for you is very good, make sure you always make it happy, do not hurt or ignore it, because behind the success of a husband there must be a prayer of a wife who is always loyal to accompany.

If any of you husbands who always complain of dragging their fortune, even though the way is good and right, then try to introspect more deeply, maybe your relationship with your wife lately is not good.

Because when you are kind to your wife, when you respect her sincerely, and make her happiness the reason for you to earn a living, then really your business in obtaining the sustenance of God will be launched.

Allah will always bless every step you take in seeking sustenance, if your intention to work is to make your wife happy.

You will always get a good way the right path from God, if what is engraved in your heart to seek sustenance is to fulfill your responsibility in making your wife happy.

Know, the wife's gratitude that comes from the husband's good treatment will open the door of sustenance. Is it true? Yes, because when you treat your wife well, love her lovingly, give what is her right, even good prayers will be fulfilled perfectly.

But on the contrary, if you treat your wife badly, do not try to give what your wife should receive, then her complaint will accidentally be recorded as a bad prayer, because God must help someone who is wronged.

So make sure you are not wronged to your wife, give your wife proper treatment according to her rights, because whatever is in her is your responsibility.

Therefore, before you complain of sustenance that you think is dragging, try to correct yourself whether it has glorified your wife properly? If not, hurry up and start fixing everything from now on.

What you used to do was only to him, softer and more loving, so that your good praise is always your wife to heaven.

Let your wife be according to your responsibilities, because your wife chooses you because your wife knows that with you your wife hopes to be happy.

Give your responsibility properly and wisely, give whatever is right, because happiness and sadness are energy that will affect your work as her husband.

image by pixabay

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