The World Needs More Humor - Camping again

I slept and will be sleeping in a caravan on my twinsister's land, once again.

I took these two artsy pictures, yesterday night, while taking an outdoor pee break before bed.

For an idea of what the caravan looks like by daylight, here's a previous 'camping on my twinsister's land' entry

This morning, I woke up from the impossible to ignore sound of lawnmowers/strimmers (that sound like huge bluebottle flies), at the unGodly hour of 6:30am.

I tried to fall back asleep and managed to drift off several times, until my 10 year old nephew opened the caravan door almost an hour later...

I had told him, the night before, that he could wake me up around 7:30, if I wasn't out already and he's an early bird so 1+1 = 2.
He shared with me, while I got up, that he got out of bed at 6:05!! and that his mom was up around that time too.
And that after a bit of a late night, due to his sister and my sister/his mom coming home late, yesterday and having dinner late and then - as a consequence - my sister reading a bedtime story later than per usual, afterwards.

Add to that, that I then stayed with the kids for another half an hour or so, stretching their bed time with about an hour. The three of us were telling each other jokes ( or they were basically asking me to tell them jokes and the two of them were making a 'serious' - and sometimes hilarious - effort to do the same ).

Let's say that it was clear to me that they weren't tired enough to sleep and that they like to impress me do things that they know to be important to me : developing a sense of humor and honing their creative skills, ( among other things ).

I also like to spend time on this, because the world could use more humor. You only need to read the 'news' or check the average person's face to see this.

Don't you agree?

I also just can't help being an awesome uncle and overall fun guy who has to make sure to keep countering his more serious side.

Let me end this with a picture of this river's two swans, enjoying the good life. It was taken by me, this morning.

Views like these are free anti stress, boosting our health and overall well being.

And here's a pic of my nephew, yesterday night, just before my sister and his sister returned home. The two of us were playing soccer, after dinner, and here he was 'hiding' in the tall grass.

Alright, it's time to wrap things up. I have to focus on spreading humor - not rumor - in the offline world ;<)

Keep smiling and cracking jokes. Meanwhile I will do the same.

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