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"Learning, unlearning and re-learning | Aprender, desaprender y reaprender"

The topic at hand is with the interest in delving into the importance of learning. An aspect that is linked to the development of the human being, the environment and the life opportunities that society offers in the cultural, historical and social context in which we live. Within the framework of the educational trends that exist for the time.

Learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that are made possible through study, teaching or experience and which accompanies people throughout life and seeks a relatively permanent change in behavior. Which has place as a result of practice to which the cycle of knowledge is inherent.

In this cycle, an acquisition process occurs where the socialized information is internalized by the person and assimilated implicitly or tacitly. At this point, a phenomenon of externalization occurs in knowledge, generating an articulation process where the individual exposes it in a reasoned manner. Product of experiences, confrontation and construction of their own knowledge, which in turn converts tacit knowledge into explicit.

This, once exposed, orally, written, audiovisually or in any other medium, moves to the combination phase where the process of reproducing knowledge is carried out in a manifest way and is confronted with the explicit knowledge of other people.

From this confrontation or combination we move on to a phase of internalization. That is, after a process of learning, unlearning and relearning. It's precisely from where explicit knowledge is integrated and is taken up again by the brain. Which certainly confronts the new evidence and converts it again into tacit or implicit knowledge. And therefore, in this way, the cycle restarts each time.

It is a fact that people are always learning, relearning or unlearning. And it is important that they internalize that they must learn to learn for this to be significant in their social and cultural development. By making appropriate use of cognitive strategies taking into account self-knowledge and the use of conceptual models to achieve it. However, the cycle of knowledge itself implies people's willingness to reconsider and confront the reality that surrounds them. Which evidently produces an interaction that leads to the constant updating of knowledge.

"Learn to unlearn is to stop doing the same thing in the same way. That is, to find or discover that there are other paths that allow us to reach the same places we had in mind leaving behind the limitations that we commonly have. By simply using many other paths that we might have had at our disposal and though, have not experienced yet"

¿But why this post today?

¿Why did I write this post today?

Uhm, well, the truth is I'm still not quite sure why I did it. I suspect it was after I recently stumbled across and I learned of the existence of a post in our "social" ecosystem which I assume many of you haven't stumbled across yet. A post with a very laudable initiative for these Christmas days. And in which surprisingly, I was mentioned!

Although the only thing I could tell you for now is, that it has been a quite revealing, eye-opening & very entertaining experience where I could observe better who is who here and the level and degree of "authenticity" of the participants in that initiative. And well, maybe it could be revealing for you too. If you simply dare and are willing to consume its sixteen pages of comments. ¿Are you willing to do that?

The thing is, at least for me, that this journey through these sixteen pages of comments was highly entertaining and very revealing for the mere fact of observing who participated and confirming what I already thought about many of them through their messages and good Christmas wishes.

It was certainly very revealing for me to realize how many times they participated and how many people and to whom specifically they chose to send their good wishes and Christmas greetings. And of course, also reading the concrete messages and the reasons they used to justify sending their good wishes to them along with their congratulations.

Same as it was also very revealing for me to observe who replied to their comments and good wishes. Which obviously also ended up being pretty eye-opening to watch who of them even upvoted their comments along with their response too.

I have to confess that I am very surprised to have been included in such a bacchanal of congratulations and good wishes. When I suppose anyone would think I would never be included. And I was especially and pleasantly surprised to see who had been the person who had thought of me and included me in his good wishes and Christmas greetings.

I guess one of those strange phenomena and weird things that sometimes happen in nature. But a thing by which I am certainly very grateful and glad that it had happened.

Nonetheless, what for me turned out to be much more revealing, surprising and shocking. It was the fact of confirming that those "popular" users that anyone would think would be chosen with a shower of good wishes and Christmas greetings by everyone. Gee! none of them were chosen. ¡Holy Smokes! ¿I wonder why?

So, I guess this post today has nothing more than the purpose of only including the excluded. To include all those who have not yet been congratulated. Those who have not yet been blessed with anyone's good wishes. And to whom through this post, I will include them all immediately.

¡Merry Christmas!

Therefore from now on, I suppose you already have two options to include yours. One way easier than the other. Or you «click» on the link above and comment on that post I told you about. Or you write your own strange, quirky and humorous post like this one to let know to those who you remember that you really miss and appreciate them. Just think that no one would like to be excluded from these "community" parties and celebrations.

And last but not least. A Christmas tip...

Remember: "Learning, unlearning and re-learning" Never wrap expensive Christmas gifts in anything other than their original box. Lest for some strange reason they will later are gonna think badly of you. You know, things like if you're some sort of a sexual pervert suggesting inappropriate things or something like that. After all it's Christmas season, everything is party and celebration everywhere and some even get drunk. Don't leave room to ambiguities and misunderstandings.

¡Be Inclusive!

Y ya de último y para cerrar este post aquí con broche de oro. Escribiré este párrafo final en español. Con el único propósito de justificar el porque voy a utilizar la etiqueta #spanish en este post y ver si existe alguna mente curiosa que en esta navidad le da por hacer «click» en esta etiqueta y logra descubrir el patrón común que destaca y resalta a la vista en todos aquellos que insistentemente la incluyen en todos sus artículos. Cosa que hago, porque estoy más que seguro de que yo no seré incluido en ese extraño patrón. Como ya he dicho: "Aprender, desaprender y reaprender"

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