Inspiration from the circus game |||Inspirasi dari permainan sirkus

Assalamualaikum sahabat steemian!
Apa kabarnya malam ini? Semoga selalu sehat dan dalam rahmat allah swt.
Oke sahabat steemian, kali ini saya sedikit bercerita tentang permainan sirkus, ya beberapa hari yang lalu daya dan beberapa kawan menonton pertunjukan sirkus yang di siarkan di salah satu stasiun televisi.
jika kita kaitkan dengan kehidupan sekitar sangat lah banyak yang dapat di pelajari dari sirkus.
Dalam sirkus selalu ada ringmaster, yang memainkan peran pemimpin rombongan, pemandu acara sekaligus pengatur ritme pertunjukan. Hal serupa ada dalam hidup keseharian kita. Di keluarga, di lingkungan sosial, atau pekerjaan, akan selalu ada dan butuh selalu ada yang memainkan peran serupa. Peran pemimpin, pengatur, koordinator dan pemandu kebersamaan.

Kadang kita diberi kesempatan menjalani peran rigmaster macam ini.Kadang kita berharap diberi kesempatan ini. Seringnya, orang lain yang diberi kesempatan ini. Tak jarang kita berebut mendapatan kesempatan ini.

Oke steemian, terimakasih sudah singgah di tulisan ini, sila di komen, resteem, dan vote apabila berkenan.

Salam hangat 😊

Translite to english languange :
Inspiration from the circus game
Assalamualaikum a steemian friend!
What's he doing tonight? May be always healthy and in the grace of god swt.
Okay steemian friend, this time I told a little about the circus game, yes a few days ago the power and some friends watching the circus performances in broadcast on one of the television stations.
if we associate with the life around is very much that can be read from the circus.
In the circus there is always a ringmaster, who plays the role of group leader, the event as well as the rhythm of the show. Similar things exist in our daily lives. In the family, in the social, or work environment, there will always be and need to be there who plays the part. The role of leader, regulator, coordinator and greeting togetherness.
Sometimes we are given the opportunity of rigmaster role role of this kind. Sometimes we hope to be given this opportunity. Often, others are given this opportunity. Often we fight for this opportunity.
Okay steemian, thanks for stopping in this paper, please in comment, resteem, and vote selenan deign.
Warmest regards 😊

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