Are Humans the root cause of world's destruction?

(Source : U.S Census Bureau, International Data Base, June 2011 Update)

In this sophisticated world, the world’s population is increasing day by day rapidly. For the last 50 to 60 years ago it is shown that the world’s population grew tremendously. There are a few reasons that contributed to this increase of population. First of all, the development and improvement of medical and science has reduced the death rate. Secondly, there is a huge increase or boost in terms of growing birth rate, especially in the poor or third-world countries. Lastly the absence of education and lack of planning for a certain family also contributed to the increase of population and also high birth rate.

Illogically speaking, even though human population is increasing in a fast rate, the population of animals on the other hand is reducing at the same time. This is caused by greedy humans who only want profit, by chopping down on forests which act as a home and shelter for these wild animals. There are several species of animal’s habitat got affected from this, some even faced extinction. The growth in human population also increases pollution with the reason of industrial establishment, at the same time decreasing the faunas. This pollution also affects the weather.

In order to tackle this issue, one of my thoughts is that the governments of high population countries must enforce a law and countermeasures to control the population and the environment. If this issue persists, sooner or later our planet will no longer be a place where human and animals can survive anymore, it will also be the end of mankind.

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