
The potential to realize the spirit becomes the possibility to share that spirit with others. The role of the individual is incomplete without social skills. On the mental plane through the 43rd gate, the individual has the conceptual capacity to communicate its insight to others. The task is made more difficult by its strangeness. The channel of Openness provides the individual with the gift for public access. The possibility of this gate is to empower others with the individual emotion. It is the quality of the emotional spirit which will condition how receptive the collective will be to the individual awareness.
The Knowing process requires a certain amount of social interaction to disseminate its individuality towards the goal of Mutation. Grace is where the spirit of the knower is released in a wave.
The Sense of Hearing is associated with the awareness possibility gates of the Knowing circuit. The right Ear, the existential ear through the 57th gate; the Inner Ear, the inner voice of the individual through the 43rd gate; the left Ear is through Grace. What you hear with your left Ear, you hear in a Wave! If you listen to the telephone with the left Ear, you will only hear the good or bad of the hope & pain wave, the rest will come later.
Gate 12 is cautious because it needs to know whether it is being honored or not.
The root expression of this caution is shyness if the mood is not right and boldness if it is. Gate 12 is also a powerful energy that plugs into Source, and people with this energy, especially if it is defined on an open Throat Center, have a tendency to channel or prophesize.
There is a certain frustration and anger here if Gate 12 shares and the timing is not right. Sometimes Gate 12 can retreat into an "I told you so" kind of energy when their insights are proven correct in hindsight.
The irony of manifested energy is very strong in this gate. There is an impetus to speak or act, but if someone has been conditioned to act no matter what, they may have the experience of speaking boldly and creating anger around them. This can be a real inner struggle for people with this energy, often creating a "standstill" in their lives. People with this energy can become paralyzed by inertia from the trauma of having expressed themselves when the timing hasn't been right.
When the timing is correct, Gate 12 is the ultimate wordsmith. Here we have the energized creative expression of the Knowing Circuit.

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