Hugh Hefner - a rich bastard who used women...

Hugh Hefner is being eulogized in the media as he passed away at the age of 91, having said how blessed he was in this life.

Well if karma works , he will come back as a cockroach. Then we will see how blessed he was. No woman with a mind can say that this man who endorsed and encouraged rape even of minors was not dark, ugly and sleazy , just to be kind.

All of Hollywood and even Trump bragged about being there.

Hefner had every American male's dream life...

Only a bunch of sickos can think this guy is a hero...he was an over-sexed, over rich bastard and I trust he is nicely smouldering in hell...he made women into cheap brainless slaves doing his bidding, he did nothing of any worth in his miserable life.

Why is the media talking about him?

Because he was uber rich, which trumps decency, kindness and true courage in American society.

If he was named R. Kelly he'd be labeled a sexual predator, but he's white, so he's successful at having a house full of women 17+ years old. The man promoted porn and as a woman I find it tasteless and by idolizing someone like him we teach our children what? That is okay to make women sex objects and slaves, no wonder Hilary Clinton was demonized.

Who the f#%* cares about this loser who made millions by using women. Stop writing about him media.

I say to Hugh, good bye, good riddance, ciao, hope to never meet again and goodnight, hope hell is not too hot!

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