HubPages Is Back In The Game

Dziana Hasanbekava is the author of this photograph/Source:  Pexels
Well, it looks as though the HubPages writing platform has corrected the glitch in its statistics page. Now I know how many views each of my articles are receiving on my HubPages channel. Now I can feel rest assured that an accurate reading of my earnings is being made on my HubPages channel.

This problem was having each and every one of us Hubbers concerned about whether or not the HubPages writing platform was going to be in existence one month or even one year from now. I can understand that whenever I choose to publish articles on a revenue-sharing writing platform, I always run the risk of losing all of my articles to a complete and permanent shutdown of the site.

I guess the only thing that I can do is make copies of every article that I post on the HubPages writing platform so that I am prepared for that dreaded day that that entire website disappears from the Internet altogether as what happened with the Infobarrel writing platform. Hopefully, that day will never come.

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