Huawei: US Ban On The Company Will Hurt Billions Of Consumers

Huawei's top legal officer said the US move to include the Chinese company on a blacklist in the United States was a "dangerous precedent" that could harm billions of consumers.

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The trade embargo will cause" direct damage "to US companies and affect jobs in the United States, said Song Leopeng, Huawei's legal director, at a news conference.

Washington has listed Huawei in the list of companies that US companies are prohibited from dealing with without a license to do so.

The ban on dealing with China's telecom giant comes as part of a broader trade battle between the United States and Huawei.

The US administration has based its ban on dealing with the Chinese company, the world's largest communications equipment manufacturer, with concerns about US national security.

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Huawei has denied on more than one occasion allegations that its products pose a security threat, asserting its independence from the Chinese government.

Politicians in the United States use everything their country has against a private company," said Leopeng.

What did Huawei say about the ban on dealing with it?

The decision to include Huawei, which is also the second largest smartphone manufacturer, is part of the so-called Entity List, a list of businesses, individuals and business entities listed to monitor all their financial transfers for fear of trying to acquire sensitive goods or technologies Weapons and security issues), would have serious consequences.

This decision threatens to harm our customers in more than 170 countries, including 3 billion consumers using Huawei products and services around the world."

What about other US moves against Huawei?

Speaking to reporters in Shenzhen, Liubeng explained that Huawei's actions at the level of the lawsuit brought against the US administration in March.

The case concerns restrictions that prohibit US federal government institutions from using Huawei products.

The company said it had applied to the court for an "urgent ruling" that would include a demand to expedite "the suspension of illegal proceedings against the company."

The US government has not provided any evidence that Huawei poses a security threat, there is no weapon of crime, no smoke, it is pure speculation," said the company's director of legal affairs.

The court set a hearing for Huawei's request on Sept. 19

What about the US-China trade war?
Washington's pursuit of Huawei comes in the context of a broader conflict between the United States and China.

Washington has moved to persuade its allies to stop dealing with the Chinese telecom giant, citing the risk of using Huawei's products to build the fifth generation of mobile networks.

Some countries, including Australia and New Zealand, have blocked Huawei from providing its fifth-generation mobile network with equipment.

In addition, the company faces dozens of criminal charges by the US administration. Washington is also seeking to deport Ming Wanzo, financial director of Huawei, from Canada, where she was arrested in December at the request of US officials.

These developments come amid rising trade tensions between Washington and Beijing.

The world's two largest economies entered into a trade battle last year involving the imposition by the two countries of tariffs on goods and products from both sides estimated at tens of billions of dollars.

Washington decided earlier this month to double the value of the tariff on Chinese goods and products worth 200 billion dollars a year, prompting China to respond to an increase in tariffs on US goods and products.

US President Donald Trump linked the trade war between his country and China to actions against Huawei when he said Huawei could be part of a trade deal between the United States and China.

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