Ah, the Joys of a Recalcitrant Laptop. Not.

So. I've been trying to post for over two weeks now, but while time constraints have played a role, the primary issue has been my laptop.

Those who have followed me for a while may recall a few months back, when I brilliantly knocked an entire cup of peppermint tea onto my keyboard, much to my chagrin.

Not a wonderful thing, though at least less damaging than it might have been, especially had it contained sugar.

Initially I thought that I had lucked out, as the computer repair guy I took it to couldn't find anything wrong, and gave my laptop back to me the following day, without even charging me to open the case.

But then, over time, the glitches began occurring; first occasional and slight, then more frequent, and recently much worse.

The short version is that the bottom left keys appear to be the most affected, with my Windows, function, alt and control keys entirely nonfunctional, along with the tab key, which isn't even adjacent to them.

Interestingly, none of the alphabetical keys have been affected, but recently the laptop simply shuts down without warning. Repeatedly.

I thought it was a glitch with Windows 10, which has often forced unnecessary (and unwanted) updates, yet one more reason to deep six it in favor of Ubuntu.

But then it became increasingly clearer that it was all a part of the keyboard malfunction, which became somewhat hilarious, when I realized that it would allow me to do pretty much everything but write.

I could do computer maintenance with few issues, and after running full diagnostic tests, the only component that failed was the keyboard.

I can record, watch videos, research my heart out, and read pretty much anything I want to, but when I start to write, the whole thing goes haywire, then shuts down. Again.

So. Evidently my muse is possessed.

She's certainly not making it any easier to post, or finish my damned writing projects. Argh.

In any case, this is why I am posting with Partiko, as this is currently my only reliable means of interacting with the blockchain.

I'll do my best to edit and format this later, muse and laptop willing, and hopefully, finally publish my posts on holy basil and forests.


The photo above is one I took last spring, about this time, of one of our trilliums blooming in the woods. Spring is evident all around us. Finally.

Life is wonderful and getting better, better, and better.

Despite my possessed muse.

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