FIGHT THE EVIL, bring HSBI into the world, gain GOOD KARMA!


Young Jedi Hivian! Evil lurks around every corner and YOU have the power to change it! As much power as you have to do so, you have little choice in taking the fate of Middle Earth PowerPauls living room into your own hands. Help steer the universe (or at least Paul's blog) in the right direction! Hundreds of lovely Hivians are in danger and ONLY YOU can save them from Gargamel and his evil 666 earning no votes!

Hundreds of Hivians are threatened because the 666 missing votes are standing ruling over them. Young Hivian, we must prevent this from happening and keep as far away from it as possible. Help this group of innocent Hivians!

Your mission:

Grab your Ocarina of Time keyboard and guide as many lovely Hivian friends to the good side, increase PowerPaul's follower count to overcome the bad. So that Sailor Moon and PowerPaul can then activate the power of the moon holy Hive. Understand?

In plain language & ideally:

Mention other Hivians in the comments and get them to follow PowerPaul. If your mentioned person(s) starts following me and briefly confirms it in the comments, I'll send an HSBI to this new follower*. One moonstone HSBI to each new follower. This offer is valid until this article expires.

You do like your friends, don't you? So mention and treat them to the HSBI!

*= I check at every new follower. If the account is just a low quality spam/secondary account, I will not send the HSBI to the account. No HSBIs for cheap spam accounts.

P.S.: You don't know what a HSBI is? You should find more info about it on @steembasicincome's profile. I can absolutely recommend HSBI - and you should definitely know HSBI!

Any questions? Greetings from Paraguay!

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