Evening Thoughts Of a Q Reader Continued... In Response to Paul Serran

 Read 1st.  P Serran's Twitter post at bottom of this page.

With that in mind now look at the post that describes the enormity of the crime and the small group of plotters.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: b189f8 No.130638 📁Jan 22 2018 21:47:32 (EST)What  would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several  [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or  member of his family? [Do internals= The 13 Email partners with  Hillary's email server?  Assume Paul is correct, YES.]


What  if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved? [Willingly? In  spying on Americans, but killing a President?  Was it done before?  If  so, Release the JFK files in total.]


Forget  the Russia set up [1 of 22].  [Russia may be bad, but they may be  innocent bystanders to these deep state shenanigans.  What did they  know?  If anything, and will they let POTUS know?  So on the back burner  they go while we solve our in house problems.]


This is only the beginning.  [How do we unpack this for America and the world?  "The Plan."]


Be  careful what you wish for. [IF F_I wanted to kill Trump, what does that  say about the F_I?  Who would they use? Foreign?  Who was the decision  maker on this?  Who was needed to say yes?  Hillary?  Obama?  Someone  else?  Probably.  Was it set in motion?]


AS  THE WORLD TURNS.  [Assassinations--program on air when JFK assassinated  "AS"= Anton Scalia  as in AS Assassinated.  They are capable of pulling  the trigger since they did so already with "AS."]


Could  messages such as those be publicly disclosed?  [Not if foreign  involvement is disclosed before we solve the "Foreign Involvement.]


What happens to the FBI?  [Disbanded and granted back to the States.  Best Option IMO]


What happens to the DOJ?  [Disbanded and granted back to the States.]


What happens to special counsel? [Disbanded]


What happens in general?  [Indictments and arrests brought before military courts.]


Every FBI/DOJ prev case could be challenged. [And they should be.]


Lawless.  [Not necessarily, Q wants us to believe this? Why?  States can handle  crime enforcement during the transition into new versions of DOJ and  FBI.]


Think logically. [We cannot afford to let the "Left" take control of the narrative.  That is what I think Q is afraid of here.]


We  haven’t started the drops re: human trafficking / sacrifices  [yet][worst].  [IF True, the best propaganda going.  If True.  Allows us  to control the Narrative.  Already have many examples in Hollywood and  other starting to percolate into the Public's consciousness. ]//////////----------//////////

Those [good] who know cannot sleep.Those [good] who know cannot find peace.Those  [good] who know will not rest until those responsible are held  accountable. [Said for effect.  Effect is achieved, if true.]


Nobody can possibly imagine the pure evil and corruption out there.  [We are beginning to believe.]


Those you trust are the most guilty of sin. [All sides carry some guilt.]


Who are we taught to trust? [The Church, FBI, CIA, The White house, US Congress, etc..]


If you are religious, PRAY. [Said for effect, I hope.]


60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity. [To prevent world war with our "Allies" IMO.]


These people should be hanging. [This post could be used to turn fence sitters who got wrapped up into the conspiracy.]






The  plotters, were they taking orders from some one of higher authority?   In country or foreign?  And individual or Star Chamber/Council?


They  never thought she would lose.  Unpack that.  But doubt must have  started to seep in with the HRC/Obama forces.  Why the Tarmac meeting  then?  They must have become very paranoid by that time.  Making  mistakes.  No one showing up at HRC Rallies, not even the Union folks  who were bussed in for some of the events.  Taking a toll on HRC's  health.  Was Comey's decision for Lynch with his "no intent" speech made  on behalf of Obama?  I believe he was taking orders from BHO.  An  attempt to rally pro HRC support in defense.  It did not work, but Comey  becomes the fall guy for the top people as intended.  Some think white  hats forced Comey to make his speech.  I do not believe it.  Why did the  plotters feel as though they had a get out of jail card after the loss?   This is the most frightening aspect  IMO.  This is why the post above  states:"60% must remain private."


Since  the Tarmac meeting shows doubt setting in.  When did the plot thicken  to assassination?  Remember the kid from the UK who tried to kill Trump  in Las Vegas on June 18th? [before Tarmac] If it did, they, white hats,  have it all and know who makes the "GO" decision.  This is what the Plan  revolves on.  So far, how many attempts on Trump's life or family, have  there been? Six or seven? Will we ever really find out? What weapons  does the decision maker have at his/her/or their disposal and how much  don't we know about?  I for one do not believe that those in charge of  the cabal will ever kill themselves to escape justice.  They believe  that they are above the law.  Is it acceptable to allow the guilty to  escape justice by suicide?  Is it acceptable to allow the guilty to  escape justice by starting a war?  An epidemic?  A natural [man made]  disaster?  In other words; Are we in it for the long haul?


We  live in very dangerous times.  Our POTUS has much work to do.  Study  the Executive Orders.  Books will be written.  Holidays will be assigned  to celebrate our victory, but only with an enemy that we identify.  We  must be in this for the long haul or none of this will have been worth  it.







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