HPUD and an Account Creation Fail


The picture shows a fancy Little Free Library that I encountered in Hollday, Utah.

It is May Day. May Day used to be a time to celebrate the coming of Spring. Sadly the day was captured by the radical left and is now a day to lament the suffering that has taken place in the name of the destructive ideologies that spewed from the mouths of Hegel and Marx.

In the HIVE ecosystem, the first of the month is Power Up Day. It is day to evaluate one's HIVE portfolio. Before I look at my portfolio, I will recount a horrific account creation fail that has me feeling down.

The HiveInvite Fiasco

I feel like the biggest dunce on the planet. I have this hidden dream of being the person who introduces people to crypto through the HIVE platform. So, I put a huge amount of effort into accumulating enough RC credits to claim account creation tokens.

Last week, I ingratiated myself in an effort to sell someone on HIVE.

I then loaded HiveInvite.com to use my created tokens and completely embarrassed myself by being unable to log into the site and create the account.

HiveInvite is written using Jqery. I have had bad experiences in the past with different implementations of jqery on different browsers. I am using Firefox on Ubuntu. I tried different browsers on different operating systems and still couldn't create the account.

The HiveInvite.com fiasco lost the sale. But I decided to look at other ways to use my claimed account codes.

Hive.io indicates that creating an account is largely a matter of tossing a "create_claimed_account" action at a HIVE node. The only really scary part of operation is the key creation process.

@reazuliqbal has a script on GitHub and an account creation form on his site. The form asks for my private active key. Even though @reazuliqbal is probably honest, I am not about to paste my active key on any third party site.

I have been studying the script on github and might run it from my own site. I've learned that, if I intend to create accounts on a regular basis, I cannot depend on HiveInvite.com.

But lets get back to HiveInvite.com. The site shows some of the flaws that HIVE developers keep repeating.

The first problem is the complete lack of documentation. Theorhetically, HIVE is a communication platform. One would think that people interested in designing a communication platform would be interested in communication.

If the developers can't use HIVE to communicate basic information about HIVE; then how can the users of HIVE expect to use the system to communicate their ideas.

Communicating information about HiveInvite should be fairly simple. The designers of HiveInvite could write a post on HIVE and link to the stinking post.

Linking to a stinking post would provide an upsell opportunity for the service. It would also provide a tiny SEO boost to Hive itself.

It is nice when programs produce error messages. That way people could search for information about the error message.

There is a possibility that HiveInvite is down in anticipation of the upcoming HardFork. I have no problem with sites being down.

I think it is a nice touch when sites include a status message. Right now HiveInvite.com simply hangs. The user is left wondering if it is a problem with their browser, their account or possibly the problem is with the service.

HiveInvite is about using account creation codes. Random users on the internet would know nothing about such codes. It would be super spiffy if HiveInvite.com linked to other onboarding services.

Hive is theoretically a community. I think it would be super spiffy if some of these sites linked to alternative services. For example, HiveInvite.com should have links to onboarding services such as hiveonboard.com.

Now for My HPUD Update

I am still 100% powered up in all of my HIVE related assets. HiveBuzz says that I could get a badge if I powered up 10 HIVE on HPUD day. I don't think that I have ever made 10 HIVE in a single month. The HIVE in my account is due to my having purchased several thousand HIVE.

Last month my HIVE related holdings were worth $3,910.68. They fell to $3,285.22. I don't like that trend, but my total number of coins is increasing and I guess that is all that really matters.

I have 4 NFTs, I am not sure how to value the NFTs, so I decided to list their value at zero.

SymbolTokensIncreaseUSD Value

I bought 3000 HIVE this year because I wanted to be able to create free accounts. I am now only 542 HP from dolphin status. Currently, my plan is to continue accumulating my HP. I move the HBD to Hive-Engine.

I usually only make a few pennies per post. So, I decided to invest in lower values coins like CCC, PAL and TIX. I increased my ARCHON holdings hoping to increase my daily archon drip.

I have 4 NFTs. Since I am not sure if I will be able to resell them, I am valuing the coins at zero.

I will keep growing my Hive-Engine account until it is worth $500.

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