Our Story - "How We Met" Writing Contest

Our Story - How We Met

On October 5, 2017 our lives changed for the better.

I had two days off that week mid-week and had appointments scheduled on each day. I drove to Carol's Color and Cut in the small town I lived near. I was early, and as I went to enter, I saw that the salon was not yet open, but a guy was waiting for Carol on the steps.

I popped into the nail salon next door, Nifty Nails, to chat with my friend and landlady, the proprietor, Ruth. I waited a reasonable time and went next door for my cut. The man in the chair was just getting finished with his haircut.

Carol asked him if he wanted to see the back of his hair but he said, no. Without turning around, he directed a question to me, "How does it look?"

"It looks good," I replied.

The handsome gentleman rose and stood by the chair and I said, "Well, look at that handsome haircut."

He departed the shop and I sat for my haircut, "The same as usual, I said to Carol."

Before she could start my cut, she received a text message on her phone.
She looked at me in surprise, "It's Jeff, the man who was just here. He said you're beautiful and said please tell me she's not married."

I thought for a long minute and replied, "Text him if he asks for my number he can have it."

He was going to give her his for me to call, but I preferred him making the first contact.

My haircut turned out gorgeous, as usual. I trust Carol with my hair. Not very long after that I received my first message from Jeff.

"It would be my honor if I could take you out to dinner sometime, please."

I agreed and then I heard nothing from him for about two weeks! Like most women, if a man makes a first contact and then falls off the face of the Earth, I began to believe that I was forgotten. My sister texted periodically to see if I had actually gone out on a date with him. I told her no. I had no idea where he was.

Two weeks later, he showed back up again in text message asking me if I would go out. He explained that he was away on business in Texas. I said yes, I'd go out with him, not sure what to expect.

We went out to Montana's Steakhouse in the town near our houses, and I think that night we knew that we had made a special connection. At one point I even felt comfortable enough to take his hand, something which is unusual for me.

We've been going out steadily since we met on that first date and it has been a wonderful relationship which began as friends. Jeff is talented, intelligent, a pilot and loves to travel!

Our first date

On February 22, we leave for Arizona where he will meet my Father and his wife, we will visit the Grand Canyon and go on to Las Vegas.

Jeff is very supportive of my chronic migraine, and has been with me for these last few months through thick and thin. Last week he met my best friend at her grandmother's house who was in hospice for the first time. He was very supportive of somebody he had never met. Saturday he attended the funeral of that dear woman with me and supported me through a difficult time. I'm looking forward to our future!


This ends my How We Met true story!
603 words

Contest hosted by @byn and @serapium
Here is the link:
How We Met

Freewriters now have our own room in the Isle of Write Discord!
Here is the link to join: https://discord.gg/zfXNRnK

The Make a Minnow project is an initiative designed to reward those who are exceptional in the minnowsupport community, the prize is a 5k delegation for a month!


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