Big shout out to @byn and @serapium for inviting me to partake in their contest on #Howwemet. So this is my original entry.

So on this faithful day[ September 4th, 2017 ]i was lying down on my bed and I decided to randomly send friend request on my facebook because i was single and searching 😸😸😸 and there she was Tessy Igbesoko I didn't think twice before sending the request because it was glaring from her DP how beautiful she is. GBWA-20180209191458.jpg
And to my ultmost surprise my request was accepted within a minute πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒfollowed with a message from her ( I was hyperventelating already), meanwhile i thought she was related to a friend of mine because of the same surname, but apparently he was her ex! πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š.
Without wasting much time, i started the journey ( Will be six months by March 4th) told her a little about myself and things started getting heated up real quick. Same city. Ask for her number and she jokenly said No if i can't say please [ Lool, she was already feeling the boy ] I complied and she sent it. Fast forward to when i officially asked her out and she didn't stress a nigga. Gave me a straight yes [ jackpot ]. Called her later than night, followed with some whatsapp voice messages, i actually sang for her πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ Two days later i visited her [ distance was not a barrier ] and the next day we had an official date. Like a month in the relationship she told me she had

  • Leukemia
  • Apparently, she told her bestie about me and they planned it together to see my next step.
  • Handled it like a boss and showed her more love.
  • She confessed like two months ago about their plans and asked for my forgiveness. Lol i was happy and told her i'm not mad at her.

So far it's been the best part of my life, creating memories with her. I travelled to were i was redeployed to for my NYSC and she has been visiting me consistently.

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