Teenage life is not all fun, It is the time that I started to discovered new things with scary feelings. Why I scared? My parents are strict to us, we are five girls and two boys. When I finish high school I'll stop for one year and then I continue my studies at collage. My parents are working almost 24 hours a day to sustain our family needs. After my school I'm going straight to our home. So how I met my first love' my ex boyfriend and now my husband for 32 years and four months?


Like what I mentioned earlier we are five girls, third from the eldest I'am. Our eldest I called ATE and the second is DITSE. My Ate is a beautiful lady, a lot of man was falling in love with her, if you are a man don't see to her eyes or you may caught of her charms. Me, I'm just an ordinary girl with no charm but they say that I'm cute and until now I remain cute, ha ha ha.
My Ate is a party goers and she always using me so that our parents agree to her, in short I become super duper alalay means assistant to the crime secret.

One night when I'm the only older at the house it's around 7:00 pm, Sunday night , someone knocking at the door, a guy with a good looking, with tantalizing eyes, rosy cheeks, about 5'6 ft height, but oh my! He's wearing an orange rubber shoes with matching kupas na maong or faded jeans that almost falling at the floor. ha ha ha It's not my type, besides he didn't needed me, he's looking for my Ate. But my sister not yet home so he said that he will be back again and pleases tell to my sister that he is dropping by. I'll said okay I will, and then he go away. That is the first time I saw him, and he didn't out of my mind, not for I like him it's because I don't like him and I NEVER falling in love to a guy like him. What I like is a formal descent guy like my high school crush, that I always stalking at the canteen or at the school court.

Days goes by and I'll forgot that jeproks guy, but once again It's Sunday night again he came and that time he"s not looking for my Ate he's looking at me. Why me? I"m not beautiful like my sister? He said that "when I first saw stick on my mind and your not erase, I can't eat and sleep because of you, I think I like you and I'm falling in love with you. I don"t know what I'm saying my heart beating fast so fast, my hands swelling, my heads down and can't see him straight to his eyes. 'OMG!" Is this love? NO he's not my type and since then I did not entertain him anymore. But he is a stalker typo, everywhere I go he's always there. He did not surrender until he can't hear my sweet YeS and his ingratiating granted.


That is how we met , maybe it is my destiny or we are meant for each other. Many ups and down we encountered, a lot of adverse to our personality, but still we are strong and still falling in love to each other. Our differences giving us a seven beautiful angel five boys with two girls. Four of them are having an own life with their family, but sadly speaking we lost our second child last November 13,2017, and the worst thing is he took his own life by hanging himself with no one know the reasons why he do that. So much pain on our part being a parents but we need to move on with our lives and we need to raise their children, three boys that for now under my custody.


Hoping that you like my love story how we met, @byn and @serapium inspired me to wrote this for their contest...HOW WE MET...

Thank you so much for all the love.

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