The story of us- how we met


This is the story of us, my own version of course.

I remember it vividly, it was around late December of year 2014.

I work in a call center, I was casually chatting with my colleagues and browsing 9gag to pass the time. The work load as of those times were quite light.

Then there's these new hires (trainees) that need to be partnered with tenured agents such as us. The thing is for some reason when you are partnered with newbies of course they need to hear and see you take calls so you will be placed in a higher priority or split as we call it ending up with more calls than others.

So we would not prefer to have new hires partnered with us. Luckily the last new hire was assigned to my team mate, but she said she will be going on lunch so she pointed to the trainer which is also a good friend of mine to be the buddy of that last newbie. So I sighed and smiled as I welcome him.


He was a tall and a slim guy with glasses on like those of the minions. Haha. That's what I thought to myself. He smiled and sat beside me.


I did the usual, I asked for his name and introduced myself. Asked what other companies or accounts he already handled. He asked about my tenure, he was shocked to know that I worked for the company for around 5 years at that time. I found out he was graduate of computer science and he lives n Novaliches which is quiet far from our office in Makati. He seemed nice and intelligent. After taking a call he would ask relevant and applicable questions. Quite impressive.

Then the next day he was partnered with me again, same scenario but this time he is not that shy anymore. The third day my teammate said someone was looking for me (yung suki mo) and they said I have a later shift so he was partnered with somebody else. I know it was him. I did not see him anymore after that, turns out it was their last day in our site. They then were transferred to another site.

So my everyday routine continued. Then we were transferred to another new site and then someone sent me an email via outlook. I said who is this? Honestly I forgot his name already. haha

It's from him!

It's a thank you note that says he is applying all knowledge I taught him effectively in his own calls. I replied and said a warm you're welcome. We chatted though the company email. Until he offered to wait for me until the end of my shift even if his shifts end earlier.

At that time I liked somebody else but as they say that person is as we call it in tagalog is "Torpe" , meaning a person who lacks courage to say what he feels for a girl. But people says he likes me back. My friends in the office was rooting of course, for my torpe friend. They even had a poll about who should end up with me. Hilarious, that was for only fun of course.


So I became closer to this newbie and we started hanging out and we have so much in common, that's its almost creepy.

A friend said to me that time is the only wish they have for me is to have a boyfriend, I was single for 6 years because of a good-for-nothing ex who broke my heart in the most tragic way. haha.


So upon learning that this newbie is hitting on me, my torpe friend started to make his move. But I already know who I wanted. He understood.

A for effort. :)

gift 2..jpg

We dated for more than a year before I said YES.

Such a sweet and delicious way to ask to be someone's girlfriend. I approve. :P


We had some conditions he needed to meet first. He had some family troubles he needs to fix before we can begin a serious relationship.


We are turning 3 years by next month. And I can say "God gave me you @agentgraham" . As you said we prayed for each other.

I'm quite grateful I've met you and took a chance. Now I believe in the saying "timing is everything" .


My best friend, food and travel buddy, my map (I'm bad a t directions), my diary, my teacher, my chef and my love.

I love you and I always will. More memories together.



Love makes you fat and happy. :D

(as shown on photos).

Thanks for droppin' by. :)

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