Include Smudging While Spring Cleaning Your Personal Space

Spring is the perfect time to do a complete "Smudging"
of your home, office, car or personal Aura
to dispel any built up discordant and stale energy.

When To Smudge

The perfect way to tell if you or your personal space needs a good cleansing is sense hot it "feels" to you. Let your natural instincts kick in and trust you own gut feelings on how light or dense your home feels to you.

If you are unsure, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does the home or my body feel heavy?
  • Am I overtired, unmotivated, disinterested or feeling bogged down?
  • Does your inner core feel drained, weak or cold?
  • Do you get frustrated, angry or agitated in your space without reason?
  • Have you interacted with negative people, listening to their problems & empathizing with them?
  • Have you been doing healing sessions on others and not cleared your own energy after?
  • Have you been experiencing fearful dreams or visions during meditation times?

These are the types of questions you can ask yourself concerning your body, mind & spirit, as well as how your home or work environment is affecting you energetically.

How To Smudge The Aura Body

  • Crack the windows throughout your home if using a smudge stick.

  • Light your herbs and blow them out allowing them to smolder, making the smoke for smudging. Always hold them over your container for safety reasons.

  • Begin Smudging by using soft, gliding or sweeping motions through the smoke, approximately 3” from the body with your feather fan. (It is great if you can get an assistant to help)

  • Start at the top of your head, working your way down the entire length of your body including your feet.; Be sure to include sweeping your back and sides as well.

  • As you are doing your clearing, intend or ask your angels, guides or higher self to assist in clearing your energy field of all unwanted energetic signatures.

  • Visualizing seeing the energy leaving your body can be of great help too.

If you desire, you can offer a prayer before or during your smudge ceremony. It is totally a personal choice as to how you proceed during your clearing sessions, as each persons belief patterns will come into play here.

Often we don't even realize how bogged down energetically we become until we begin to feel overwhelmed and heavy laden from outside energetic influences. When you have completed your smudging you will be amazed at how light you will feel. It truly is a magical experience.

Smudging Your Home

Smudging is an ancient ritual inspired from Native Americans and other Indigenous tribes around the world. The ceremony uses a variety of sacred herbs and plants to assist in dispelling unwanted energies. It is an easy and effective way to bring balance and harmony back into your personal space.

There are many wonderful plants and herbs to use, such as desert or White Sage (cleanses dense energy), Sweet Grass (draws positive energy to you), Lavender (relaxes & brings spiritual blessings), tobacco leaves, rose petals and many types of Juniper and cedar bows (healing herbs).

Whatever type of cleansing ceremony you are intending to do, there are herbs and plants that will assist you with your needs. Mother Nature is an awesome provider and natural healer for us all to enjoy.

Remember to open your windows to allow the energies to leave and the fresh air to come in as well. Start to smudge your space in a clockwise direction while stating your intentions to clear your home of discordant vibrations. Walk around each room as you do your clearing with a peaceful, non-judgmental attitude. You can start at the front door and move to the far corners of every room and work your way back to the front doorway.

It is a good idea to get into the nooks and crannies of your house, such as closets, basement corners, storage areas or anywhere stagnant energy is. When you are through, be sure to stamp out your smudge stick thoroughly extinguishing any embers.

Drying Herbs & Making Smudge Sticks

Harvesting organic Lavender and White Sage from my gardens and making smudge sticks. I offer them for sale in My Etsy Store - Crystal Vibrations for others to enjoy every year.

Smudge Feather Fan

This was one of the Smudge Fans I happened to make last fall and offered it in my shop as well! I have many different colored fans to suit personal preferences too!

Thank you for stopping by my post, I hope you enjoyed learning how to smudge.

Until next time, this is Sunscape...
Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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