My $400 Dollar 2006 Durango Project (Series #1) Intro

Ok, it's been way longer than I anticipated. I was hoping to have this truck done already and on the road, but I also had to pay for all the parts that I am putting into this project, so I had to take on some side projects to fund it.
Below you will find my video on Youtube that compliments this blog.

So let's begin. I was shopping around for a truck to replace our Expedition that we sold, because it was falling apart with rust.
I wasn't really looking for a project car, wasn't even on my radar. So as I was searching for a new truck I found an ad for a 2006 Dodge Durango for almost $700 bucks. Ad said something like it needs head gaskets, oil pan, etc, etc.
It intrigued me, but I needed to know what was up with the oil pan. It is unusual for a car at this age to need a totally new one so I asked him. The answer I got back seemed kinda rude "Didn't you read the ad?" !
I already had a good salty attitude that day so he kinda made me mad, lol. To make a long story short I told him my final and only offer would be $400 and to my surprise he said when could I pick it up! I really didn't think he sell it to me, so I was a bit taken back. Also I only had about $650 from the Expedition sale to work with and that truck would need to be towed home, around 50 miles away!
Ok to make a long story even longer I went and checked it out. It didn't start at all. the battery was pretty much dead. So I bought it. Sent a flatbed over the next day and they towed it to my driveway as you can see in the pick below.


So this is my intro to my series I am doing on this project. I will not be doing a step by step engine rebuild course here, but there will be many tips I give as I go along to hopefully save you some time and frustration.
I am currently about half way thru this build so I have many vids I have to edit and then make a blog like this one for, so I should be able to put up a new video every few days.
Hope you enjoy and lets learn together guys and girls.

Here is my intro vid, hope you enjoy them as much as I did enjoy making them for you all.
Here are some quick photos of things coming up







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