

so guys, in case you're wondering, yes am really a newbie, so I know and totally understand what it means to earn less on articles that you put a lot of energy into.
I created my account January this year, I was introduced to steemit by @tony-duke who at first I didn't believe lol, because I never thought there'd be a real platform like this, that rewards you for your efforts.
But he didn't stop there he kept on pushing me
Until I finally created an account, it wasn't easy at all at first, but he was kind and offered a lot of help
Until I could stand a little bit on my own.



So like I said earlier @tony-duke was the who always encouraged me when I was backing down, and one of the ways he helped me is by introducing me to a contest held by @prechi which I won, and it boosted my morale and gave me some ground to stand on and helped me bounce back. That leads on to the main topic on how to make more sbd on steemit which is:



Now this is one of the best way to boost not only your wallet but your account through interaction with others, and also you get to meet new people and find new obsessions.
Now don't think it is easy winning contests but don't think it is hard either, it all depends on what is required.
So if you don't win at first don't quit, and like there are taxis πŸš– all around a town so are there different contests all over the steemit world, so if you don't get favoured, you can always hop into another one, you are always a win away, who knows if you'll be the next to have a smiling wallet lol.
I have a list of some good contest you can look into by genre

Lip Syncing


Okay here is where my specialty lies lol, and I can say I have won a lot of sbd from it, in this type of contest all you have to do is move your lips in synchronization to a song you know, you don't have to worry about your voice being bad, because the song would be playing in the background, and all you have to do is move your lips in sync.
There are two people who I know for now who hosts this type of contest,
They are :
@littlescribe she hosts this contest weekly, and am proud to say I have won one of it, and I plan on being the winner of the next one, and she calls me "The Lipsync King" so if you got what it takes to make me loose to you. Then I suggest you hop in to this contest and let's do this lol.
Another person I know, who was as a matter of fact the first person I made my first 5sbd on steemit from his contest is :

@prechi he was the first person that I knew was hosting this type of contest, I was told by @tony-duke to join, so I decided show my skills as a lipsync artist and I won. To the extent that @levitated-mind is scared of competing with me lol.
Anyways this contest is been down for sometime now, due to @prechi being busy with school and his exams.
But he promise to be back with it soon.
So keep your eyes glued to his account.

IQ and Understanding


Okay in this contest, you get to show how creative and active your brain is. You get to make meaningful comments and answers to certain questions and posts.
If you think you've got what it takes, then the:

#steemitcommentchallange by @danielsaori is a contest you should hop on to.
He posts a post by other people and you look at it and make a short and intelligent comment, yes it is that easy, and you get to get interactive, this contest is held weekly, so what are you waiting for. πŸ˜‚ get something going.
Another contest is the IQ contest held by:
@ ionutciobanu where he gets to ask some pretty simple yet tricky questions lol.



If you know how to predict results on sports event, then @barbadoso is the right person for you. He does almost all kind of predictions on sports even so don't miss him.



If you are a good writer and you're sure you can defend that against any odds then @stach is the right account for you
He features a writing contest where you get to write a short story with a sentence he gives I think, anyways it is a great contest for writers and if you are a writer then I think you should check it out.
@wafrica also hosts writers using the #wafrica tag weekly and rewards them for their efforts.



If you're good at making memes and giving people a good laugh.
then I think the contest you need to hop on to is the
#Movie-gif-contest by @lost108
where he posts a gif and you get to create interesting memes with them, you gotta be Creative if you plan to win lol, I mean why shouldn't you. And the amazing part of this contest is that you get to win WHALESHARES 🐳 how cool is that?
Oh yeah that cool 😎,
And for those of you who doesn't know what WHALESHARES are [this post] ( by @jphenderson.
And you could still check out the #memechallange for the #MEMEARMY lol run by @fibra59 although I haven't won before but I plan to, one day. Lol so check him out he gives wonderful prizes to his winners.



Think you're creative enough think you are Good at giving captions to portraits, then you should check out @runicar and @thomasjmitchell.
They both host this type of contest, and who knows, you might be a lucky winner.

These are the few out of the many contests out here that I know, for more contests you can click on the categories list on your feed

Then select contests

You should see a pack load of contest just choose the one that suits you.
So guys, you see there a hundred of ways you could give your accounts the boost it needs, don't just sit there and only make posts and expect it to bloom out of the blue lol
Go join these contest and make sure you make friends too while doing so.
Special thanks to @tony-duke for hooking me up with my first contest by @prechi which I won lol. Also thanks to @kweenzykruzy for being the first person to call me the LIPSYNC KING lol, and to my best friend on steemit @julietisreal thank you for being such a great and inspiring friend and also to my best rewarder on STEEMIT @littlescribe lol she's been a blessing to me. And many others don't know what I would do without you all, God bless your souls.
In my next post am going to talk about how to boost your account through "making friends", do check to find out how making friends on steemit can earn you some reputation.

So until then I am Chris in the real word and @fantomcee in the steemit world do have a nice day.

Thanks for your time I hope it was well spent, to help other newbies like us grow please do resteem this post for them to see and get enlightened.

Thank you. 

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