How to Become a Web Developer - Things You Need to Learn - STEP 9 - Programming Frameworks

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Welcome guys to the part 9 of my how to become a web developer series. If you have followed this tutorial and adhered to the guides provided up to the step 8 of this series, you are already a web developer.

So in our previous step, we talked about how to deploy apps and I was able to explain to you some things you need to know if you must deploy an application, you can check that out HERE.

In this part of the series, I will be leading you through programming frameworks, we are going to know the cool ones to work with. After learning different programming languages like PHP etc, you may need to learn some frameworks which will help you to streamline your development. We are going to look at different frameworks for different programming languages.

JavaScript Frameworks

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  • React [Flux, Redux]: This is a UI framework. It is basically a library but it can be a framework. It helps you to build really powerful user interfaces. It has no business with handling database access and things of same sort, it is more on the UI but when it comes to building interfaces, it is extremely powerful.

  • Angular 2: This is more of a client side framework that has HTTP module which enables you to make POST request and their likes.

  • Vue.js: This is also a UI framework similar to React because it works on the view module.

  • Express (Backend): This is a back-end framework for node.js that handle routing and templates and all that stuff. You really want to pick one of the two of those to learn. One for the front-end and one for the back-end.

PHP Frameworks

If you into PHP, you have a bunch of frameworks you can choose from and work efficiently with it.
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  • Laravel: This is the most popular PHP framework as far as I am concern. It is one of the most powerful and a little difficult to learn. But it is pretty cool. If you want something easier, I will suggest the next in the list.

  • Codeigniter: Codeigniter is not as powerful as laravel, neither is it as popular as laravel either but it is really easy to learn and can set a stage for you to understand frameworks and be able to learn others easily.

  • Symphony: Symphony is another powerful PHP framework but it is tough to learn.

Ruby on Rails

If you want to do something different apart from JavaScript and PHP, you work with Ruby on Rails which uses the Ruby programming language which is powerful too and popular but as earlier stated, it is kind of leveling off a bit.

Framework Design Pattern

Most of these frameworks have a certain design pattern known as MVC.

  • MODEL: This is the part of the application that works with the database. It makes call to the database, brings in data, UPDATE, INSERT, SELECT and things like that.

  • VIEW: The view works with the User Interface. This involves the templates and the part of the application that the user sees

  • CONTROLLER: This handles the routing and when to call model functions and things like that.

This MVC frameworks handles things like:

  • Routing
  • Database Mapping
  • Helpers
  • Data Binding
  • Templating and UI

Hello guys, my fingers are about to say goodbye for now, and they wish to stop typing and take a break for now. Until we meet again in the next part of this series, where I will be talking about Content Management Systems. ADIOS

QUOTE for Motivation

...Refuse to accept your current status as your terminus...

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