🍌 How to tell the difference between a banana and a slug 🍌

Sir Geoffrey Bananington is the Professor of Comparative Fruit, Literature and Interspecies Negotiation at Bruisington University (and never lets any of us forget it). Right now he's on a mission to right the injustices done to bananas. Professor B tends to rant a bit, but he's part of the Banana Collective, and we kinda like the guy.

What is it with humans and their misguided propensity to equate anything remotely yellow or curvy with that supreme-est of fruits, The Banana?

Case in point, the ariolimax californicus, more commonly referred to as the California Banana Slug.


C'mon, people! In what version of reality does this forest bottom-dweller even remotely resemble the high-hanging, palm-tree-swinging, King of Fruits, The Banana?

I wish I could say it's an understandable mistake... but I really can't.

Just to help you out the next time you see something slimy creeping along the dirt in your pathway...

Scientist studying banana slug in its natural environment

...I have created a chart to which you can refer to help you in classification of said specimen.

There. That should clear up any further confusion in the matter.


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