Do you sleep like a lion, bear, dolphin or wolf? 'The Sleep Doctor' explains what this means

Do you sleep like a lion, bear, dolphin or wolf? 'The Sleep Doctor' explains what this means

1. Lion

According to Breus, about 15-20  percent of people are lions. Lions are conscientious, stable and  practical animals. People who wind up in the lion chronotype are usually  overachievers and they prioritize health and positive interactions."They  are up at the crack of dawn, full of energy, and doing what they do  best," Breus explained. If you're a lion, you should plan your day  around getting the most done in the early hours. Start responding to  emails and get in a good workout. Plan to do the least intense  activities at night when you're not at your sharpest.

2. Bear

About  50 percent of people are bears. These people tend to avoid conflict and  prioritize happiness, Breus said. These are extroverts who like to  socialize and they tend to be team players."Human 'bears'"  usually follow the schedule of society, with sleep-wake patterns  matching the solar cycle. "Human bears like to get their seven or eight  hours of sleep and will hit the snooze button a few times in the  morning," Breus said. So plan to go to bed at a decent time to get in  those extra hours.

3. Wolf

These are the  self-proclaimed "night owls," about 15-20 percent of the population.  Breus explained that these people have a hard time waking up early and  are most energetic in the evenings. They’re often impulsive,  pessimistic, creative and moody people who "march to the beat of a  different drum," and that is fine by them."A  late night person is like a wolf. They are nocturnal. Their energy  level is later in the day (early evening in fact)," Breus noted. Wolves  can plan to be most productive at night, so maybe save that intense  workout for later on so you can maximize energy.

4. Dolphin

Only  10 percent of people tend to be dolphins. These are the people who  struggle the most with insomnia, Breus explained. These are highly  intelligent people who are light sleepers and often perfectionists — but  almost to a fault. 

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