How to Prevent Your Dog From Heatstroke


Heatstroke - in very simple terms, it can be sentenced as - when the temperature of the body leaves the safer zone.

This particular hitch is getting common nowadays in dogs. The foremost reason behind heatstroke is that dogs don't have the ability to sweat, they start to pant but panting generally doesn't help them much and hence they can't fully cool down their body temperature to the safer zone which is considered to be 100 - 102.5 degrees. And a minimum increase in their body temperature ie: reaching to 106 degrees might give deadly results.

Almost all dogs are prone to heatstroke. But there are some dog breeds that needs extra care.

I. Mentioning below the list of dog breeds that are at high risk of overheating-

Shih Tzu
Boston Terrier
French Bulldog

If you are an owner of any of the above dog breeds, you need to be extra attentive and responsible especially when the weather is getting all heated up outside.

II. Here are a number of alarming instances which will help you in recognizing, when your dog is stepping towards heat stroke.

Watch out for these signs:-

• Dizziness (light-headedness)

• Heartbeat is much faster than normal.

• Bright red tongue (sticky or dry)

• Pale gums (red)

• Unexpected restlessness (getting impatient)

• Excessive, prolonged or recurrent, intense panting

• Drooling (thick and sticky saliva, may froth at mouth.)

• Weakness (collapses, unwilling to get up)

• Confusion

• Dog walks seem to be disoriented

• Upset stomach

III. Tips to avoid heatstroke - None of the pet parents wants their pet to suffer any kind of abnormality or even uneasiness. But uncertainty cannot be denied or escaped. Life is full of uncertainties and we have to be always with our laces tight. Being careless is not an option and can never be justified.

Make sure these acts are avoided strictly:-

• Never ever leave your pet in the parked car, no matter whether the car has been parked in shade also. Hot, humid, sunny, shade etc, it is never to be done.

• A haircut will help to moderate the body temperature. Shaving up to the skin is not advised.

• Access to fresh water at all times. Outside arrangements like Summer pool is always a good option.

• Ignore exercise when the temperature is all heated up.

• Avoid to muzzle the dog, it will prevent the dog from panting.

• Let them splash around. Most of the dogs love to swim. It will help to bring down the body temperature.

• Avoid the beach / pavement / roads when the sun is out, paw pads can burn. (Asphalt can cause a second degree burn on your pet's paw within 35 seconds.)

• Always make sure your pet has access to shade and fresh water

• Wrap a freezer pack in a towel and allow your dog to lay next to it

• Avoid being active with your pet during the peak heat of the day.

• Dogs do not have the ability to cool themselves on their own.Hence, it suggested using fans or air conditioners.

• Play it safe on hot, humid days.

• Always keep frozen snacks.

IV. Even after taking all above cares, still your dog suffers from heatstroke then you need to act smart and fast. Just mug these points.

These are definitely going to help you:-

• Remove the dog from the hot area right away

• Use a rectal thermometer to measure the body temperature.

• Use a fan, air conditioner or water in order to wet him so that the body temperature can be brought down as soon as possible.

• It is strictly advised not to use ice or cold water because too much cooling may lead to life- threatening conditions.

• Try to provide free access to water, let the dog drink some water but should not be forced. It may result in a choke.

• Rush to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Health must be monitored and a vet can only address the exact condition.

Heatstroke can be cured with prior caution. It's high time to realize that this particular term heatstroke is dangerous and should not be taken lightly. It might give deterrent results like death, organ failure, paralysis etc.

Your pooch always stays by your side unbiased, protective no matter what is the situation. So it becomes your duty to stay alerted and act smart when it comes to the health of your darling pooch.

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