Housing Dilemmas...

I'm such a tight arse that I've managed to manoeuvre myself into something of a self-induced housing dilemma...

What I SHOULD do is maybe just suck it up and pay the £1000 ish deposit and £800 per month it would cost to rent somewhere decent around here and then just move myself and my stuff in and just LIVE....

However I've been given the option of a Bungalow nearby at 'mates rates' - £500 a month and that's going to include at least some of the bills - but it doesn't become available until November at the earliest, possibly not until December.

The situation is that my friend bought the Bungalow a while back and has built two houses in the extensive back garden - he's moving into one - before Christmas he's promised his kids - but aiming for November - but I saw it the other day and while the structure is up and wiring done it needs plumbing and everything finishing - like kitchen and bathroom - so it is probably at least two months work.

The old Bungalow is getting demolished early next year, but even if I can get it for a couple of months it would be better than selling my soul to an agency now - it means I can wait until probably March next year, and by that point it's so close to my house in Hereford being available I can maybe hold out until then with Air B and Bs...

And it's probably Air B n Bs I'll be relying on until I can get in said Bungalow.... I've done a bit of digging and there are options for £30-40 a night around here.... 4 nights a week = £150 = £600 a month which is pretty cheap for rentals.

Screenshot 2022-09-06 at 07.45.08.png
There are options at cheaper rates, you just have to zoom in, and discounts for 4 nights.

I'm fortunate in that I can probably stay with my GF 3 nights a week - anymore than that would be pushing it as she lives in a shared house and it's rude I think to add an extra person into the mix for too many nights a week. (Two would be better than three but I'm worth it!).

The fact that I'm considering this is a measure of how much I detest the idea of 'selling my soul to an agency' - I just hate the idea of it and the idea of paying out so much of my money on rent.

I'd just much rather it go to someone I actually know, it's FAR MORE PREFERABLE.

And then there's the fact that I don't want to tie myself into a year's long contract which is usual with agencies, as I might be able to afford to buy somewhere by early next year anyway, I just need a few months to sort the old finances out and stack a bit of cash.

And given that cash-stacking is my goal ATM, that's another reason to NOT have the best part of £1000 leaching out into someone else's pocket every month!

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