Blaming landlords is superficial thinking.


I would prefer the capitalist concept of the privately owned home to be abolished in favour of a more communally understood concept of home ownership, but to simply shout that landlords are leeches is very Adam Smith, and I’d expect more nuance from a Marxist. Marx tells us of the petty bourgeois, and he in fact explains to us that in some cases, the so called petty bourgeois can be economically worse off than a supposed prole (if we accept the binary class division). Because indeed, it is quite possible for a shop owner to profit, to some degree, off the profit of surplus value Labour, but at the same time, his overheads might mean he ends up making a loss, and being in debt, or perhaps only making just enough to live on, living life on the breadline, while his workers make a perfectly comfortable living. Marx literally tells us this, even the USSR recognized this, though in their case it led to the oppression of minority ethnic groups due to the the tendacy of both Marx and Marxists to subscribe to universalism (which I of course abhor).

I do support suspending rent payments, of course I do, I’m not a monster, but I also support support for petty landlords, who often rely on that money for the survival of their families that the state aren’t providing help for.

I would also add that if you support renters so much, stop looking down on them, their cultures, their ways of life, and everything they believe in. Middle class leftists can’t claim to be on the side of the working class, while looking down at us at every turn. You’re either with us, or against us.

N.B: Before anyone says ‘muh get a job’, stop contradicting yourselves, we all, as leftists understand the all encompassing nature of capitalism, and the necessity to survive - landlords are often simply trying to survive and secure a future for themselves, as we all do, when we work for evil multinational conglomerates. It’s not their fault that their job often doesn’t pay enough, or doesn’t pay them a decent pension.

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