House of Cards Season 1 (2013) Review



Kevin Spacey offs a dog in the opening sequence.

WHAT THE FUCK!? Zoe rejecting the congressman is so unnecessary. How inconsiderate, in front of the cab driver.

Hehehe. “Use the monstrosity.”

Ok, George Snuffalupogus is never this tough. He’s a total pushover in real life.

Russo is under threat from Underwood. Russo is watched, but, that’s cause Underwood owns him.

Zoe being used as Frank’s stenographer is insane.

The unnecessary condescension of Hammerschmidt to Zoe is stupid. “No TV for a month. Want to make it indefinitely?”

I like that Kevin Spacey breaks the fourth wall.

Christina isn’t dead. Christina’s simply out of the picture. She could still talk.

Clever product placement.

I do like that Lucas and the owner of The Herald don’t baby Zoe, which is what everyone else seems to do.

I like Claire’s dress when soliciting donations.

Frank assumes Zoe’s into men, which is funny.

Peter Russo’s confliction I’d like to think is more real than we think. He seems to abuse drugs because he’s deliberately fucking over his people. But then, there’s your garden variety psycho, usually there, at the top.

Frank’s push for Peter to kill himself is BEYOND horrifying. Disgusting. Upsetting. Fuck off Frank, you don’t believe in him. You’re Machiavellian at it’s best, strictly in theory.

JOEL SCHUMAKER DIRECTED EPISODE 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????!?!

Turns out Doug may have a soul after all. I like that Rachel turns the tables on Doug tough. Makes it more interesting, and she wont be off so easily.

Peter Russo. Shit. I really wanted him to survive. Or some shit. An underdog if there was one.

Lucas! And Zoe!

Frank’s right. Grades fall short in the gaining of wealth and/or power. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Colin Powell, Bush II.

John = pimp Frank.

When the bill is defeated, Claire proves herself to be a formidable opponent to Frank.

Frank is so condescending to Claire since her water filters are in Sudan. She’s been right about his berating and hypocrisy.

:-D Zoe fights back, and Frank can’t handle it.

Peter isn’t afraid anymore, and now FRANK is scared.

I feel so sad about Peter.

And the intro of Tusk. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even down to him speaking Chinese in front of Frank. Such rich details!

“I think you’re being paranoid. You’re stretching.” Now who’s being naïve Kay?

The journalist part is so careless but so exciting. No assumption of surveillance on the computer, but phones, outside, yes. With LUCAS there.

Maybe it’s cause I took a class, but the journalist relationship with the puppets and deep state is more interesting to me.

Ethically, sure they suck. But it probably does happen. Beau Willimon says it's all about a good story. "But it would never happen." No, I bet it would, and it does. There's all this doubt and denial by these journalists irl, but I doubt them.


When Frank breaks in with old friends to his namesake library, it’s funny. Drunken stupors and all. He supposedly slept with another man in the show. It was alluded to.

In real life, he has been with men, or so the rumors go. He “came out” to distract from sexually assaulting a minor last year. He was part of a quartet too, Frank. Also in real life.

Remy propositioned Claire. DAMN! “Still got it Claire.” 😉

Janine, Lucas, and Zoe, are all looking into Peter Russo and Rachel's relationship. AAAH! The suspense!!!!

Fantastic first season! Scary, creepy, but still good! Use of technology! Claire scared the hell out of me plenty of times, especially when she went to confront Zoe.


Everything works. The costumes, the soundtrack, character development, the dialogue, it all works. It's one hell of a ride that ends on a cliff hanger! It was suspenseful, it was dry when showing the dry parts of certain professions, it was funny, it was scary, all still continuing at the end of the season.

Out of $13.00 USD for 13 episodes, I give it $13.00 USD. Go watch it, you wont be disappointed!

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