Cleaner Clothes for Less Cash

SAM_6126.JPGYou're looking at the photo and saying "these items are detergents and they're not that cheap ...." ~SAM_6123.JPG BUT WAIT, theres more ! It requires a wee bit of math ( admittedly, my weak spot ) and a tiny bit of elbow grease.
So, here's where we're going with this recipe for the best laundry detergent with the lowest cost to you. I have bought countless varieties of laundry products over the last 40 plus years and just a few years ago came across a recipe for a better, lesser expensive powerhouse cleaning product that now rules our laundry room. The need came about for cost containment, practical storage and the fact that we have sensitive skin that many commercial products seemed to irritate. I don't like paying for fillers, water, perfumes and dyes ~ I don't need those to clean my clothes ......
Most any grocery related store will sell the 20 Mule Team Borax and the Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda. I typically find it for just under $4 , often at Dollar General. The bar soap can be any of your choosing, if you like more fragrance in your detergent, here is the opportunity to add it in. I like the Fels-Naptha soap or a Castile soap ( such as Kirk's or Dr. Bronner's ). The Fels-Naptha is available locally for $1. per bar. Okay, all that being said, for the three items , we're under $10. So far, so good. The Fels-Naptha or Kirk's Castile soaps just smell clean, not perfumey or overwhelming.
Now the part where it gets better. Your recipe is simple. Mix 2 cups of each product with one grated bar of soap. I use a cheese grater for this project. It isn't a fast process , and you may decide to rest your arm during the project. Perhaps a glass of wine or a craft beer would serve well at the break ! Store in a dry , sealed container after mixing.
This is a low-sudsing product, meaning it rinses cleaner from your clothes, without leaving a residue and is safe to use in all washers. It cleans out tough stains and doesn't fade or alter the colors of your clothing and linens. And, it works equally well in any water temperature or wash cycle. We have a Samsung front load "he" washer that does really well with this detergent blend.
How much to use ? This is the great part ..... only 1/8 cup per normal load. Super large loads or horribly dirty ones, I may use a 1/4 cup for an extra punch.
Now, to break it down. ( the math , not the dance ! ) The box of 20 Mule Team Borax will yield approximately 8 cups, the cost of each around 50 cents, so a 1/16 of a cup would run about .031 cents. The Arm and Hammer Super Washing Powder, will yield about 6 cups per box, at a cost of 67 cents per cup , making a 1/16 of a cup about .041 cents. Add these two figures together , bringing you to .072 cents per 1/8 cup , plus just a sniff more for the bar of soap per load. Now, we're talking dirt cheap. Compare that with what you usually pay for Tide, Gain, Woolite, or whatever you normally buy. I was skeptical at first, and tried it on things like towels or sheets. After realizing how well this concoction did, I use it on lingerie , gardening clothes, the dog beds , whatever.... it eliminates the need for other products.
If you feel that you must have a liquid detergent, which is fine, too, stay tuned for the next "recipe ! "
Happy "steem" cleaning and we'll talk again soon !

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