Random Topic - What makes women so physically attractive to heterosexual men?

Time to demystify this crap...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but nothing beats the female form - lordnigel

Above image created by @alannapendragon based on some specifications I provided for 'hot' (note: she is able to puff out the Steem image....damn that's hot!!). Image is used here with full permission

While blokes are just straight up and down, women have curves and this is what does it for me. Lets explore this a bit more in this..err... insightful Steemit post (hehe).

So removing the concept of beautiful minds (lets face it complete packages is what attracts us and brings couples together), but today I just want to focus purely on the physical figure...

At least one study implies it's seasonal.

I won't quote the works but at least one study suggests more frequent exposure to women's bodies in warmer seasons might  increase men's attractiveness criteria for women's body shape and  breasts. Don't ask me, just something I read.

Some scientists suggest we are working out if she is optimal for mating..???.

So yeah, some believe we look for particular features as on a kind of 'biological sub conscious level'..Pffft who knows but apparently we are weighing up compatibility a kind of  'reproductive fitness assessment'.

SO what are some of these key things blokes are looking at when trying to work out if a woman is hot. Some searching around on the internet tells me...

High pitched voice - apparently this is considered/associated in our minds as a very feminine feature and increases the attractiveness level. Yeah, seems logical..So I'd say I at least partially agree with this. 

Wearing red - something about it makes us blokes think your in the mood ladies??? eck I guess, certainly red does it for me, especially with big bright eyes, red lips, yeah sure why not...So I'd say I agree with this.

Wider hips to waist - we like wide hips (but not too wide) and narrow waists...why? got me, but yeah that's hot!..I'd say I agree with this.

Limited makeup - yeah don't cake it on ladies, I think some do it to cover up lines or something but in reality it just brings them out. Yet many women cake it on...I think ladies are confused or just wired to want to beautify, is it like to even out blemishes or something - or look artistic??..not sure, a tiny amount of makeup is hot, but allot is not ...but that's just me.

Healthy hair - stop dying and clipping on the fake extensions, be happy with what you have and treat it well. Natural healthy hair is attractive. Yeah I definitely agree with this, I don't like fake.

Nice Smile - lets face it a smile invites a smile back and gives an image of happiness..happiness is fun and fun is not being a hard arse! yet I understand smiling makes lines? and many women worry about lines..at this point I'm just confused, lines on the face don't detract me from the female form.

Big Boobs - yeah well some men are keen for this, personally I like something as it adds to the overall curves package, but yeah apparently most men like em big! I don't agree with this (but agree they need to be there).

Long arms - What the??? at least one article i read, suggests long and slender arms have been seen as something attractive to men. Yeah I guess this makes sense, but a little bit of tone in the arms doesn't go astray...not keen for black hairy arms or anything.

OK well that's enough controversy for me for one post - 

What do you think ladies and lads, Do you agree with my assessment, have I missed items...STeeM on dudes!!? 

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